Monday, March 10, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| February 14, 2019 12:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Three people were injured in accidents this week. Joe Hill suffered a badly fractured leg when he jumped to avoid a rolling log and his leg was caught in between. Pete Curley received a dislocated shoulder and a bad cut on the head while carrying ties at the Great Northern yards. E.H. Martin, employed by Idaho Continental Mine, received fractures of both arms and a dislocated shoulder when he was caught in the belting of a machine and was hurled through a space of not more than 14” between the floor and the wheel. It was a great miracle that he was not killed outright.

B.F.H.S. basketball team defeated Libby H.S. by a score of 60 to 11. The local team says not to be misled by this game, as the Libby team is a strong, fast team that was handicapped by the much smaller floor here.

The B.F. Meat Co. has leased the entire W.T. James building and is taking possession at once. This means that the B.F. Public Library will have to have new quarters and may move to the Fitzpatrick building next to the room now occupied by the Red Cross.

50 Years Ago

The new Three Mile Café will hold a grand opening on Saturday and Sunday, according to owners, Emery and Nadine Jackson and Herman and Elizabeth Sloot. The building has been completely remodeled. Free coffee and donuts will be served.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cowley will be honored by and open house for their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married Feb. 19, 1919 at Ordway, Colorado.

There is considerable conflict over the current mosquito abatement program. Payment for the program is based on the amount of land you own and some of the larger land owners don’t want it on their land, while other feel that if all the land isn’t in the program, it invalidates the entire program.

15 Years Ago

A local sophomore received national media attention Tuesday when a T.V. crew spent the day with her at B.F. High School. Breann Dunham, who was interviewed by a CBS TV news crew, will be featured on an upcoming Early Morning Show as part of a special segment on deaf children. Sign interpreter, Jennifer Hurst, is Dunham’s liaison with the hearing world.

The Bonners Ferry Eagles #3522 Aerie and Auxiliary celebrated their 30th Anniversary on Feb. 7 with a 1 pm ritual ceremony hosted by Aerie and Auxiliary Presidents, Doug and Sharon Smith, followed by a mortgage burning with a public open house from 2-4 pm.

Mrs. Doreen Beck, a fourth grade teacher at Valley View Elementary School, wrote a grant application that will soon have students learning more about plant life through engaging hands-on projects.

Bonners Ferry continued its dominance on the mat in spectacular fashion as they wrapped up the Intermountain League Wrestling Title Saturday night with a 52-18 victory over St. Maries.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum