Friday, March 14, 2025

Gun Club News

| February 21, 2019 12:00 AM

Feb. 16

Bonners Ferry High School Team, Dukes Claybusters: Nice day, 30 degrees, sunbreaks and a slight breezy.

Ryan Carelli was high overall with a 22&17 = 39, second was tied with Dane Hathaway 20&18 = 38; also Zane Carver 20&18 = 38; Kamen Nelson 19&15 = 34; Melanie Campbell 15&18 = 33; Colin Fairchild 21&12 = 33; Wyatt Hathaway 19&13 = 32; Wyatt McDonald 18&12 = 30; Cassidy Underhill 9&10 = 19.

We had two new shooters today, Jake Cowels hit 16 on 16 yards first time shooting and Zack Carver broke six first time shooting. Glad to have them.

It takes good school grades and practice at shooting moving clay targets to get good scores. The Claybusters lead Big Sky shoot 889 to 888 — one bird, Colin Fairchild, still holding on to second place in Individual Standings as of last week.

Feb. 17

Bonners Ferry Gun Club: Regular members — nice day, a little breezy, 28 degrees, we only had 10 shooters today.

The Annie Oakleys were great fun as always. Lonny broke 24&22 for 46 “A” class and Ron Campbell won “B” class with 21&16 for 37. Jake Jacobson 20&19 = 39; Charley Runnion 22&17 = 39; Bill Bustillos 20&20 = 40; Paul Carelli 19&22 = 41; John Kellogg 20&11 = 31: Dean Nelson 17&16 = 33; James Daniels 21&15 = 36; Ken Brink 18&16 = 34; Mike Pruitt 16&19 = 35 ; Ken Nystrom 22&16 = 38; All good scores for this weather.

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Lynda and Lonny had their 55th wedding anniversary last Friday. We stay together because she lets me shoot trap on the weekends. Ha Ha.

Shoot safe and keep your powder dry.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek