Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Letter to the Editor

| February 21, 2019 12:00 AM

To the Editor,

Vote early or mark your calendar for March 12. That is when the $200,000.00 a month school levy is up for a vote. It will probably pass. I suspect the fallout of not using tax dollars to plaster “for da’ kids” materials everywhere are the people who remember to vote are those who enjoy the high wages and benefits package. It is a sizable voting bloc.

The levy money is used to artificially inflate salaries. In the past 3-4 years, the state has increased funding for schools an average of 5 to 6 percent per year. Yet the district continues to overspend.

Prop. 2 just passed. Have to get that money somewhere. A billionaire is trying to force “Marsy’s Law” on Idaho. Have to get that money somewhere. Agreements are in the making for a Boundary County sewer megaplex. Have to get that money somewhere. The Sheriff would love a new jail. The library would love a new home. The landfill gets older every day. Road & Bridge does an AMAZING job without county tax dollars.

The levy money has become an “opioid” for the District ... time to give it a shot of Narcan.

No matter your vote, just vote.

— Rosanne Smith

Moyie Springs