Saturday, March 01, 2025

Looking back at a busy year

| January 3, 2019 12:00 AM

The following is a quick look back at the top stories in each issue of the Bonners Ferry Herald during the year 2018.

JAN. 4

Yoder’s Market is moving

Yoder’s Market plans to move up near 3 Mile mid JAN. and will gain an extra 1000 square feet as well as more parking.

JAN. 11

Dante pleads guilty

Eric Dante pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the shooting death of Jesseka Musson.

JAN. 18

New year, healthy habits

Idaho Drug Free Youth and i2i brought an interactive event to the students at Bonners Ferry High School, helping them break out of their social circles.

JAN. 25

Landslide possible on Black Mountain

Boundary County Sheriff’s Office reported cracks on Black Mountain that could potentially turn into a landslide.

FEB. 1

Stop the silence

The family of murder victim, Jesseka Musson, arranges a rally and letter writing campaign in protest of the plea deal offered to Eric Dante.

FEB. 8

Yoder’s celebrates grand opening

Yoder’s Market opened in its new location with a ribbon cutting ceremony.

FEB. 15

Meet Boundary County’s own ‘Batgirl’

Off-roader Teresa Lummus, who got her start at the Moyie Mud Bogs will appear on History Channel’s ‘Truck Night in America.’

FEB. 22

Friends raise money to help local animal shelter

Four friends held a Valentine’s Day Charity Bake Sale and raised more than $1,000 for the Second Chance Animal Adoption.


Two fires break out in South Boundary Fire District

Snow made it difficult to reach one of the fires on 20 Mile Road and the trailer was a loss. The house on Hickory Hill was able to be saved.


Learning First Aid in the wilderness

Longleaf Wilderness Medicine came to the Kootenai National Wildlife Refuge to teach first responders a hands on class about rescue in adverse weather conditions.


Community comes together after fire levels barn

Boundary County citizens rally together to provide hay and other essentials after a fire destroyed a large barn in Montana, just outside of Idaho.


Bringing Boise to Boundary County

Moyie Springs became the 100th ‘Capitol for a Day’ during a visit from Idaho Gov. Butch Otter.


A manly competition

Jesse Sandelin wins the Mr. BFHS competition.


Snowy start to April

Spring snows hit Boundary County, with more than nine inches reported near the Moyie River.


Bonners Ferry Robotics team going to world championship

Our local robotics team becomes one of four Idaho teams that qualified for the World Championship in Houston, Texas.


New police chief for Bonners Ferry

Brian Zimmerman was sworn in as the new Bonners Ferry Chief of Police by Mayor David Sims after the resignation of the former Police Chief Vic Watson.


Students create new Fire Chief Association Logo

The Fire Chief’s Association held a contest to create their logo and combined the top three winning designs.


DYW: Under the Big Top

Shawna Siver wins the title of 2018 Distinguished Young Woman.

MAY 10

Chili cook off brings heat, raises funds

A chili cook off was held at the Bonners Ferry Fire Department to raise money for uniforms for the Boundary County Fire Chief’s Association Honor Guard.

MAY 17

Library Director speaks at National Conference

Boundary County Library Director Craig Anderson spoke at the Maryland Library Association Annual Conference and spoke about winning the ‘Best Small Library in America.’

MAY 24

Badgers bring home state baseball title!

The Badgers claimed their first 3A Baseball State Championship in their 25-year history.

MAY 31

Live burn helps to save lives

Firefighters from around Boundary County had the opportunity to train in a live burn situation in a donated house.


An upbeat afternoon after a rough year

The Bonners Ferry Rod Benders held their 19th annual Border 3 Jamboree car show, put on by first time Show Chairman Richard Cowell.


Havoc hits the mountains

The North American Off Road Championship drew top competitors from the U.S and Canada.


Blackmore joins city police department

Bonners Ferry Police Officer Brandon Blackmore is joins the Bonners Ferry Police Department.


Lightning ignites blaze on Round Mountain

Strong thunderstorms brought a lightning strike that started a fire in a large dead snag, and firefighters had to navigate steep terrain to reach the blaze.


Keeping the waters safe for recreation

The Boundary County Sheriff’s Marine Program takes to the waters even though the cooler weather has left the Kootenai River very low in boat activity.


Fire destroys home on U.S. 2

A home on Highway 2 was totally involved when firefighters from multiple agencies arrived on scene.


Man drowns in Kootenai River

Local man, Adrian Wages, was lost in a tragic accident on the Kootenai River.


Wildfire in Boundary County

A wildfire burned approximately 15 acres north of Bonners Ferry, before being contained, avoiding any evacuations.

AUG. 2

Man rescued from Snow Lake area

Boundary County Search and Dive Rescue was called to rescue a man near Snow Lake and enlisted the aid of Two Bear Air.

AUG. 9

Couple rescued from storage tank

Two people fell into a sewage tank and needed to be rescued after being overwhelmed by the fumes due to lack of oxygen.

AUG. 16

Riverside Road plans debated

Concerned community members were given the opportunity to learn about the upcoming Riverside Road Project and give their input.

AUG. 23

Dedication, royal introductions part of fair opening

The 2018 Boundary County Fair kicked off and Caleb Petersen and Katelyn Hutchinson were named as the king and queen.

AUG. 30

Fleming Creek Fire is contained

The wildfire located nine miles north of Bonners Ferry required multiple agencies and heavy air support.


Waterline needed for Grandview Cemetery

A fundraiser is put into place to replace the waterline in the old section of the cemetery.

SEPT. 13

Demolition Derby is a hit with fans, drivers

The 2018 Smash & Bash thrilled the fans and Kyle Wiebe became the overall winner.

SEPT. 20

Carry the Fallen: A ruck-march for veterans

Carry the Fallen event was held to bring awareness to the community about the burdens carried by veterans and family members, and raised more than $12,000.

SEPT. 27

Mural boosts Badger pride

Josh and Sara Knaggs painted a large mural featuring local landscapes and the Badger, in the Bonners Ferry High School gym.

OCT. 4

Man dies in fatal crash

An accident in a field off of Highway 1 claimed the life of 29-year-old Steven Dean Price.

OCT. 11

Wild Horse Mercantile devastated by fire

The Wild Horse Mercantile caught fire and firefighters worked through the night to save a portion of the building.

OCT. 18

A tool that saves lives

Boundary County Sheriff’s Office received a grant from BNSF that enabled AEDs to be assigned to all the patrol vehicles.

OCT. 25

Charges filed in high-speed chase

Anne Solt faced multiple charged after she led law enforcement in a car chase from Bonners Ferry to Moyie Springs that ended when her vehicle struck two patrol vehicles.

NOV. 1

Sheriff Kramer graduates from national program

Boundary County Sheriff Dave Kramer participated and graduated from the National Sheriffs’ Institute (NSI) held in Aurora, Colo.

NOV. 8

Lost hunter rescued

Boundary Search and Dive Rescue Team rescued a 29-year-old hunter from the Dodge Peak area.

NOV. 15

Person rescued from burning house

First responders rescued a person from a house fire on Atlanta Street through a window.

NOV. 22

Electrical fire contained on Sandy Ridge Road

An electrical fire traveled through the insulation of a shop before being contained by firefighters.

NOV. 29

High Five funding to help pool, skate rink

An update on the $250,000 High Five! Community Transformation Grant and what it is being used for, including fixing the City Pool.

DEC. 6

Officer-involved shooting reported

Law enforcement fired on a suspect when he allegedly reached for gun while he was in his truck, and he suffered a non life threatening injury to his finger.

DEC. 13

Dante sentenced in murder case

Eric Allen Dante was sentenced for the May 1, 2017, murder of Jesseka Musson and received a 20-year sentence, with 10 years determinant and 10 years indeterminate.

DEC. 20

Putting out the fire of stress

Boundary County Chaplain’s Corp has Angel 1, a support vehicle that used to be an old ambulance, almost ready to roll.

DEC. 27

Helping the public for 25 years

Cathy Wells was honored with a retirement party after service the Boundary County Prosecutor’s Office for 25 years.