Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| January 3, 2019 12:00 AM

100 Years Ago

President Theodore Roosevelt passed away at his home in Sagamore Hill, Oyster Bay, N.J. yesterday as a result of a blood clot lodged in one lung. Services will be tomorrow afternoon.

Sheriff Dunning is holding an eight cylinder Cole automobile worth $2100; waiting to hear from the owner. The car is believed to be stolen from Spokane and then abandoned here after it got stuck in a ditch.

The flu has caused 111,688 deaths with the highest rates in Baltimore and Nashville.

Engineer J. Harley Cave started Friday on the preliminary survey for the paving of the principal streets of the City.

There are 350 pupils enrolled in the B.F. school district but attendance has been down because of the flu and whooping cough.

50 Years Ago

A house fire happened at the home of John and Ethel Thomas at Rock Creek when a flame was being used to thaw an outside oil fuel line. Damage was minor.

Schools will remain closed until next Monday because of the extreme cold and problems heating buildings and keeping school buses running. The temperature on Dec. 30 was – 33 degrees, but Mary McNearney was spotted bringing in pussy willows.

The B.F. Jaycees have prepared an ice skating rink in the fairgrounds show barn and the facility is now open for public use.

15 Years Ago

A salvage timber sale near Myrtle Creek has critics accusing the U.S. Forest Service of causing significant ecological damage to Boundary County’s watershed. Neither side was able to reach an agreement about the issues involved.

The Badgers Wrestling Teams won three Inland NW Championships, while the Badger Basketball boys defeated the Lake City Timber Wolves 63-53. The Badger girls beat the Kellogg Wildcats 51-46.

A Boundary County man who maintained he played no part torching a home three months ago has been ordered to stand trial for arson and criminal conspiracy. Robert Hayden, 64, who has pleaded not guilty to the charges, was seeking to dismiss both counts claiming he was in Whitebird when the crime was committed. Authorities maintain that Hayden helped Warren Zamitalo set fire to Zamitalo’s double-wide trailer for insurance money.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum