Friday, March 14, 2025

Mt. Hall Elementary School Newsletter

| January 17, 2019 12:00 AM


(Courtesy Photo) Mt. Hall Elementary Christmas program.

Happy 2019! With a new year among us and two weeks off, the students and staff at Mt. Hall Elementary are excited to get back to school. We enjoyed a successful first half to our year so far. We had a lot of notable events: the Mt. Hall Auction, our fall Scholastic Book Fair, and our Christmas Program. Along with all of these exciting events, our students have also made tremendous gains in the classroom as well. Improving reading has always been a main focus of Mt. Hall, and this year we are enjoying the rigor of our new math curriculum. We are looking forward to see how our hard work will pay off. If you would ever like to see how Mt. Hall Elementary and the other schools in our district compare to other districts in Idaho, you can go to

Our students are getting excited for some upcoming events. This year, the fifth, fourth, and third graders will be making the trek up to Schweitzer Mountain to try out skiing. I love taking advantage of our great outdoors, and the ski trip is a great opportunity for our kids to realize what’s in their backyard. We are also looking forward to celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. at Mt. Hall. All year long we encourage kindness. Dr. King’s message goes perfectly with our mission of creating a Safe, Civil, and Productive environment where everyone feels welcomed at Mt. Hall. We are also gearing up for National School Choice Week. This week is all about celebrating students and parents right to choose the best education for their children. We are fortunate in Boundary County to have three great elementary programs. As the principal of one of these great schools, I feel privileged to get to spend my days with some of the best kids around. I know this is a shared sentiment with staff. We will be highlighting what makes Mt. Hall such a great school during this week. You can check out what we do by following us on Facebook.

If you are considering enrolling your child at Mt. Hall it is best to register them as early as possible, and by that I mean in kindergarten. Mt. Hall has seen a steady incline in enrollment over the past few years, and currently our classes are capped in grades kindergarten, first, second, and third with active waitlists in effect. Although, we aren’t registering kindergartners for the 2019-20 school year yet, it is important to start thinking about where you want your child to go. This is only a suggestion. I believe strongly in parent choice, and I’m glad our county offers so many great educational opportunities for our youth.

Another big question that comes up a lot is, “When should I keep my child home?” Although attending school regularly is important, so is being healthy. Students should stay home if they have thrown up or have had diarrhea in the past 24 hours; have a temperature over 100; or have a contagious disease like the flu or pink eye. If your child is too ill to go outside, then it is best to keep them home to rest. Work can always be requested if your child is absent, but ultimately getting healthy is most important.

Thank you for all of your support of Mt. Hall Elementary and all of the schools in Boundary County. Until next month, Go Wildcats!