Friday, March 14, 2025

Reserve a place at next week's North Idaho Cereal School

| January 17, 2019 12:00 AM


(Courtesy photo) Kurt Schroeder, University of Idaho Cropping Systems Agronomist, describes the pros and cons of new varieties at the 2018 Variety Trials Field Day at Houck Farms in Bonners Ferry.


(Courtesy photo) Dozens of new and old varieties of wheat, barley, canola, and mustard are tested in replicated plots each year.


(Courtesy photo) Boundary County Variety Trials test dozens of varieties of food, feed, and malting barley at Houck Farms, which hosted these university research plots for many years.


(Courtesy photo) Barley in the field.

Please join us for this year’s North Idaho Cereal School on Thursday, Jan. 24, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Boundary County Extension Office.

This event is sponsored by the Idaho Wheat and Barley Commissions, and combines education with a free lunch. The executive directors of both commissions will provide updates on current issues and markets. University of Idaho scientists will speak on the results of our local variety trials this past year as well as weed and disease issues. An economic analysis by crop will be presented as well, including costs and benefits of using cover crops for grazing and soil building purposes. Two pesticide recertification credits will be available.

For more information, download the brochure at Please call 208-267-3235 or email to register. There is no charge for this workshop, but we do need a head count by Friday, Jan. 18.