Friday, February 28, 2025

Mirror Lake Ladies' Golf Report: Margaritaville

by Ada Gardiner Contributing Writer
| July 25, 2019 1:00 AM


Courtesy photo Julie Williams receives the “Miss Margaritaville” award at the Mirror Lake Ladies Golf League’s “Margaritaville” event on July 17.


Photo by TANNA YEOUMANS Margaritaville at Mirror Lake Golf Course brought many people out to play.


Photo by TANNA YEOUMANS The green was busy with golfers during the Margaritaville event.


Photo by TANNA YEOUMANS There was fun and prizes throughout the day’s event.

The Mirror Lake Ladies’ Margaritaville Invitational took place on Wednesday, July 17, at the Mirror Lake Golf Club with 60 ladies participating.

There were many winners. The top prize for “Miss Margaritaville” went to Mirror Lake’s Julie Williams, for her Gross score of 80. The net score winners were: First Place: Flight A, Stacey Lukac of Sandpoint, Idaho for her net 69; Flight B, Kate Warden, Hidden Lakes Golf Club, Sandpoint, Idaho for her net 71; and Flight C, Shirley Chase, Cabinet Mountain Golf Club, Libby, Mont., for her net 74.

The Second place winner in Flight A was Yvonne Larsen of Creston Golf Club, Creston B.C., with a net 67; Flight B, Anna Guthrie, Cabinet Mountain Golf Club, Libby, net 71; Flight C, Anne Bonar, Mirror Lake Golf Club, Bonners Ferry, net 74. The Third place winners were: Flight A Brenda Moore of Red Deer, Alberta, with a net 70; Flight B, Linda Bogden, Mirror Lake, net 74; Flight C, Ruth Ann Wilson, Mirror Lake, with a net 77.

The winner for Longest Putt on Holes 3 and 12 was Linda Rupley of Mirror Lake. The winner for Longest Drive on Holes 4 and 13 was Michelle Fessler of Avondale Golf Club, Hayden Lake . The winner for Closest to the Pin on Holes 2 and 11 was Julie Williams, Mirror Lake, whose drive was 8” from the pin, and the winner of the Accuracy award for being closest to the midline on Holes 6 and 15 was Shirley Chase, Cabinet Mountain Golf Club, Libby. The “Give Jimmy a Drink” prize went unclaimed as no one’s drive landed in the circle around the 150 yard marker on Hole #7.

Following the golf match, an excellent lunch of taco salad with all the trimmings prepared by Manager, Ralph Lotspeich and his staff was served in the clubhouse, finished by delicious blueberry cheesecakes made and donated by Etta Mae Schneurle, Bonners Ferry.

The luncheon was followed by a raffle and other prizes. Tara Figgins, Bonners Ferry, won the 50-50 pot and Wendy Hawks, Bonners Ferry, won the Margaritaville bicycle. Despite the continuous rain, all agreed it was a wonderful day!

The Mirror Lake golf ladies meet every Tuesday evening and/or Wednesday morning at the Mirror Lake Golf Club in Bonners Ferry from the beginning of May through the middle of October. Arrive at 5 p.m. for tee off at 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings, and 8:30 a.m. for 9 a.m. tee off on Wednesday mornings. Although we reached the midpoint of our golf season, there are still more months of golf to go. Any interested lady golfer is welcome to join in.