Saturday, March 01, 2025

Cheer team forms for 2019-20 season

by Andria Hedrick Contributing Writer
| June 6, 2019 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — After a great week of tryouts, we have selected the 2019-2020 BFHS Cheer Team.

During tryouts, each participant learned and performed a performance cheer, a chant, and a dance routine including tumbling, stunting, and jumps. They were also asked a series of interview questions and submitted teacher recommendation forms.

A huge thank you to our amazing judges for donating their time to help create this great team: Miryka Eby (BFHS Cheer Alumni), Gina Brown (BFHS Teacher), Robin Merrifield (Valley View Principal), and Cassie Motley (North Idaho College Cheer Coach).

Below are the names and grades of the cheer team:

Katie Summerfield, grade 12

Kylie Underhill, grade 11

Ember Allred, grade 11

Isabella Sims, grade 10

Shaylynn Richards, grade 9

Hannah Baker, grade 9

Carrie Runyan, grade 9

Nevaeh Elliston, grade 9

Hailey Kelsey, grade 9

“The cheer team looks forward to a busy summer and an exciting new school year,” said Coach Andria Hedrick. “As you can see in our events listed below, the team will be very active with our sport, community, and supporting the other BFHS teams.”

With all of the activities and uniforms, the cost per participant is very high (approximately $1,000 per cheerleader). Through fundraising, the team will try to offset some of these costs.

“We are also looking for sponsors to help the team,” said Hedrick. “If any individuals or businesses would like to sponsor the team or a participant, please contact me. Any and all donations and sponsorships are very appreciated.”

This summer, the team will be participating in the following events:

June 22 and 29: Car Wash at Columbia Bank: The team is raising money to pay for cheer camp in July, uniforms, game day supplies, paints and supplies for poster making, and competitions.

July 4: Performance at the Independence Day Festivities: The team will be performing a routine including dance, tumbling, stunting, and some cheers.

July 13: Performance at the Kootenai River Days Festivities: The team will be performing a routine including dance, tumbling, stunting, and some cheers.

July 15-18: UCA Cheer Camp (Universal Cheerleading Association) at Washington State University in Pullman, Wash.

Participants learn a variety of cheers, chants, dances, stunts, and make friends with other teams from all over the Northwest. The material they learn and confidence they earn will help them succeed throughout the year.

Aug. 13-17: Community Service project at the Boundary County Fair: Team members will be donating their time at the Dining Hall to earn money to donate to a local charity. Come see us at the fair for a good hamburger served with a smile.

Aug. 24: The cheerleaders will be supporting the BFHS Cross Country Team at their home event starting at 9 am. Supporting all the BFHS teams is our priority and we hope the community will come and show their support too.

Aug. 29: First home soccer games — Boys and Girls. Join us to cheer on our great athletes. First game starts at 4 p.m.

Aug. 30: First home football game. We’ll have a great game day performance for our outstanding crowd and look forward to showing off the stunts and material we’ve learned over the summer.