Friday, March 14, 2025

Recipe Corner

| June 6, 2019 1:00 AM

How can you tell if those eggs are fresh? The good news, it is easy.

Put cool water in a bowl. Put the eggs into the bowl. If it sinks, it’s fresh. If it floats with the end up, it is still usable, but not quite as fresh. That egg is great for making meringue and mayonnaise as older eggs are great for both of these.

If the egg stands upright but is still on the bottom, it is still good for hard boiling. If that egg floats, get rid of it. As you can see, the middle egg is great, the one on the right still good, however that green egg compost.

A helpful hint, if you want your recipe off the counter so it doesn’t get the ingredients all over it, use a pants hanger and hang it from your cabinet.

­— Barbara Rexford