Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| June 6, 2019 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Thomas B. Plunkett, one of the 1st men to enlist from this county, has returned home. Mr. Plunkett had been reported as killed in action last year. He states that one of the few papers he received while overseas contained his obituary. He was gassed in one engagement and had a skull fracture in another when he was struck by shrapnel.

Zack Montgomery of Porthill has purchased a Pelton wheel with which he will secure power to operate air drills. He has plans to develop the Golden Eagle group of claims he owns, located between Porthill and Copeland and about a mile and ¾ from the K.V.R.R. The area is a promising mining property containing gold and copper ore with a high value according to recent assays.

50 Years Ago

Two 19 year old youths are in court for the vandalism at Grandview Cemetery. They have been ordered to make full restitution, assist the caretaker in repairing the damage, and make personal apologies to the families owning the graves that were damaged.

A big 110# cougar was spotted strolling downtown on Bonner Street early last Saturday morning.

K.V. Loggers get the Templeman Creek timber sale located about 8 miles north of B.F. Their bid was $26,468.14 on the 592,000 board feet of saw logs.

15 Years Ago

Ready to take on the world, 106 student s graduated from Bonners Ferry High School.

The Dance Studio is presenting the 20th Annual Spring Dance Recital: “A Night at the Movies” with over 100 students.

Over 100 children and their parents came out on a rainy Saturday for the annual Free Fishing Clinic at the Snow Creek Lions Club pond.

A teacher retirement dinner was held on May 28th at Twin Rivers Resort. The BCA and district employees sponsored the dinner for: Kathy Sheffler, Naples School; Lisa Gehrke, Valley View School; Larry Van Gundy, Valley View School; and Bill Hayden of Boundary County Junior High School.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum