Saturday, March 01, 2025

Boundary County Middle School ends another school year!

| June 13, 2019 1:00 AM


(Courtesy Photo) The seventh grade boat races.


(Courtesy Photo) Cafeteria dance party for the students.


Courtesy photos BCMS students attend the promotion ceremony.


(Courtesy Photo) Talent show.


(Courtesy Photo) The promotion dance for the students.

Another year has already ended for BCMS and it will surely go down as one of the best ones yet. It was sad to see so many faces preparing to leave BCMS for the final time and even more gut wrenching to see the sadness in their faces as well. We had a great last three years with the outgoing eighth graders and this year seemed to summarize their entire career at BCMS: Awesome!

On that note, ISAT scores have been finalized and you should receive individual student reports with report cards which were mailed on Tuesday. We outperformed the state average in every category and grew in almost every metric I use to compare scores from year to year. The students were rock stars during the testing process and their performances on the tests as well. BCMS is known for its competitiveness and these scores prove it doesn’t matter what the competition is for us to wanna do well.

Now that the school year is over scheduling for next year begins. Students have already made some requests and our schedule is beginning to take shape. We are in the process of adding another elective unavailable at the time students chose next years’ classes which will be an introduction to industrial technology or small engine repair type of class. Please contact BCMS if your child is interested in taking this class.

Our Gear Up grant will continue to run next year. It has done some amazing things for our students this year but next year it will include both seventh and eighth grade students so we should get even more out of it. I love this grant and can’t wait to see how it plays out next year.

Our Forget Me Not Walk sponsored by our leadership class took place for the purpose of remembering folks we have lost while raising money to give a scholarship to one student going on to college. Ashley Gutin, who was the creator of the event four years ago, was the winner of the scholarship. It was well attended as always and we enjoyed some great weather as well.

Move Up Day was very successful as schools sent their top grades on to the next school to visit and learn a little bit about where they will be going next year. It was great to meet many of the students we will open our doors to this fall. It looks like we will have some amazing new students to enjoy for the next three years.

Our end of the year Band Finale Concert was fantastic and celebrated the growth of our great students. We could not have done it without Mrs. Horton helping us out as Mrs. Hanna was out on maternity leave for much of the semester.

Our Choir students gave their final concert and they sounded great. Again, there was lots of community support and the songs and stage were creative and fun to see as well as listen to.

Reality Town, where eighth grade students act a little bit of real life out, was another eye opener for students. I heard many students asking how their parents managed so many things and kept to a budget. Thanks to the numerous volunteers who came to help, some at the last minute, as we could not have done it without them.

The BCMS Talent Show was quite the event. We had many more acts than usual which required us to spend one and a half hours but it was well worth it. It might also be mentioned that several staff members received pies to the face at the end of the show as students earned the privilege with good behavior throughout the year.

Other end of the year activities went well. Advisory Olympics was super fun. Boat Races for seventh grade was wet and rainy but still enjoyed with lots of laughable moments. The promotion ceremony had a few hiccups (internet!) but was well attended and ended appropriately while the promotion dance was full of dancing and very successful.

Enjoy the summer.

Go Badgers!