Friday, March 14, 2025

2nd Harvest event coming this Friday

| May 16, 2019 1:00 AM

2nd Harvest will be coming to Bonners Ferry tomorrow, Friday, May 17. This will be the first of four scheduled trips to Bonners Ferry this summer. The other dates will be June 20, Aug. 15, and Sept. 20.

As always, bring your own boxes or bags for the groceries. A wagon or wheelbarrow is helpful for getting the food to your car. There are no residence requirements. If you feel your family or another family would benefit from this food than this is an opportunity for you. To respect those others in line we ask that you only get food for yourself and up to one other family. If you are helping more families than that you are asked to go through and then go to the end of the line again.

Food is gathered by 2nd Harvest from donations by producers, distributors, and merchants. Many others make it possible by donations. We must raise $2,000 to pay for each truck. Donations by local individuals, two churches, Thrivent Financial, Bonners Ferry Veterinary Clinic, Bonners Ferry Rotary Club and several insurance company grants have paid for food trucks. We still are looking for additional sponsors for this year’s trucks.

The food distribution will be from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Trinity Lutheran Church parking lot (6784 Cody). Set up will begin about 9:30 a.m. Rain or shine the food truck will be in Bonners Ferry this Friday.