Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| May 23, 2019 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Alonzo Osborn, who is hospitalized in France with war injuries, has informed his father that he should be back in the U.S.A. soon. He also told him to watch for a package as he is sending him a German Luiger pistol that he pulled off a Prussian guard.

All soldiers and sailors are requested to meet in front of the K.P. Hall at 9:30 on Friday morning. Automobiles will be provided to go to the cemetery where Decoration Day exercises will be held. A parade will be held in B.F. starting at 2 pm.

B.F.H.S. entertained members of the eighth grade last Friday. Some of them attending were: George Danquist of Addie; Eva Lewis, Glenn Miller, Margaret Miller, and Augusta Peckenpaugh all of Eastport; Clarence Guthrie, Josephine Krause, and William Krause of Copeland; Fred Maas, Alice Branom, and Earl Radcliffe of the Hooker District.

50 Years Ago

A team of 4-H members from B.F. placed first in the annual livestock judging contest held at the U of I recently. Members of the team are Maridel Severson, Sandy Wallace, and Tracy Maas.

Grandview Cemetery has had a considerable amount of damage done by vandals recently. Grave stones have been pushed over, and even broken. A reward is being offered for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those guilty.

140 eighth-graders will graduate on Wednesday — 21 from Mt. Hall, 11 from Naples, and the rest from Valley View — one of their largest classes ever.

Little League baseball, sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, begins practice on Monday, June 3. Coaching this year will be Dan Meeker, former outstanding BFHS athlete who has just finished his fourth year at U of I, majoring in physical education.

15 Years Ago

The members of the Boundary County Community Theatre presented Boundary County School District with the first of three checks which will total $5000.

The Badger foursome of Amber Delaney, Yvonne Christensen, Desi Staples, and Jamie Myers will be part of Team Idaho and play volleyball against international competition in the Down Under International competition in Australia this July.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum