Monday, March 03, 2025

The Tuesday's Troubles have finished four weeks of bowling

by Dolores Sweet Contributing Writer
| November 14, 2019 12:00 AM

Jeanne Osborn took it all, high scratch game 170, high scratch series 491, high handicap game 251, and high handicap series 734. Alice VanGundy got second high scratch game 164 and second high scratch series 472. Nancy Clatworthy got third high scratch game 161 and second high handicap game 239. Melayne Stevens got third high scratch series 402. Michelle Sweet got third high handicap game 233. Lila Finley got second high handicap series 651. Virginia Sanborn got third high handicap series 646.

The Breezys (DaVonna Cada, Nancy Clatworthy, Jeanne Osborn) took it all: high scratch game 449, high scratch series 1241, high handicap game 697, and high handicap series 1985. The Stormys (Kathy Konek, Alice VanGundy, Donna Nystrom) got second high scratch game 409 and second high scratch series 1174. The Blizzards (Nina Saunders, Regina Colby, Melayne Stevens) got third high scratch game 385, third high scratch series 1104, second high handicap game 638, and second high handicap series 1863. The Heat Waves (Evelyn Smith, Zetta Graupner, Carolyn McNeill) got third high handicap game 624. The Tsunamis (Lil Jimenez, Lila Finley, Helen Heritage) got third high handicap series 1781.

Turkeys were bowled by Nancy Clatworthy and Alice VanGundy. Doubles were bowled by Melayne Stevens, Helen Heritage, Kathy Konek, and Alice VanGundy got two.

Splits were converted by Carolyn McNeill 4-5, Alice VanGundy 5-7, and Fran Musak 3-9-10.