Wednesday, March 12, 2025

BFHS seniors explore post-secondary options at NIC

by Paul Bonnell Contributing Writer
| October 24, 2019 1:00 AM


The students learned about post high school options at North Idaho College’s Parker Technical Center in Rathdrum.


(Courtesy Photo) Students had a chance to learn about options at North Idaho College.


Courtesy photos On Oct. 16, Bonners Ferry High School senior students visited North Idaho College to learn about post-secondary education and training options.

COEUR d’ALENE — While underclassmen took the Practice Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) and Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) at Bonners Ferry High School last Wednesday, Oct. 16, 71 seniors visited North Idaho College to learn about post-secondary education and training options.

Students split into two groups to tour several buildings on the main Coeur d’Alene campus and the Parker Technical Center, which is located in Rathdrum. Students received information about housing facilities and options, financial aid, study suggestions, bachelor’s and associate’s degrees, career/technical education (CTE), certificate programs, extracurricular activities, the Writing Center, Molstead Library, fine arts programs, and Outdoor Pursuits. Students ate lunch in the Edminster Student Union Building.

Highlights of the tour including talking to instructors in the machining and automobile collision repair programs. Students expressed interest in studying nursing, computer aided design; heating, ventilation and cooling systems; mechatronics; welding; entrepreneurship; fine arts, and culinary arts.

Senior Austen Jones said of machining and collision repair, “This is what I want to get into!”

Adrianna Jordan added, “It was interesting to learn about the programs and required credits.”

BFHS Counselor Jenny Mackey said, “We cherish our relationship with North Idaho College and appreciate their support in helping to bring various experiences and opportunities in higher education to our high schoolers.”

Senior English teacher Kim Cravens voiced her gratitude for being able to chaperone the trip. “It’s so valuable for students to see potential opportunities.”

Perhaps Josie Leyden summed up the BFHS students’ experiences well when she remarked, “I’m glad I went.”

Students interested in learning more about North Idaho College should talk to the NIC Bonners Ferry Campus Extension Office 208-267-3878 or Emily Winebark and Jenny Mackey in the BFHS Counseling Office.

Additionally, during the field trip Paul Bonnell and Kim Cravens obtained contact information for admissions advisors, administrative personnel, and instructors at both the main campus and the Parker Technical Center. Students who are interested should see Bonnell and Cravens for these contacts and then visit NIC and Parker Tech again for more personalized and in-depth tours.