Friday, March 14, 2025

IDL burn permit season over; safety still important

| October 24, 2019 1:00 AM

Fire safety burn permits from the Idaho Department of Lands (IDL) are no longer required for burning activities outside of city limits beginning Oct. 21.

The fire safety burn permit from IDL is required for any burning (excluding recreational campfires) outside of city limits during closed fire season, from May 10 through Oct. 20 annually.

While state permits will not be required after the 20th, local fire departments, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and/or tribal authorities should be contacted before burning to determine if other permits are required or if local restrictions are in place.

Humans, not lightning, caused approximately 60 percent of the wildfires this year on lands protected by the Idaho Department of Lands, accounting for more than 98 percent of the acres burned. Many of these fires were preventable as they were ignited by escaped debris burning and campfires.

Please use caution whenever burning by following these steps:

- Check for required permits. Don’t forget to check with local fire departments, DEQ, and/or tribal authorities.

- Be prepared. Keep water, a shovel and other resources on hand to prevent the fire from spreading.

- Check weather conditions. Do not burn when it is windy or when there is a chance weather conditions may change during burning.

- Look up. Choose a safe site for burning- away from power lines, overhanging limbs, buildings, vehicles, and equipment.

- Look around. The burn site should be free from any other combustible materials and dry vegetation.

- Keep your pile at a manageable size. Add additional debris slowly as the pile burns down.

- Monitor. Check the burn area regularly, especially if the weather is warm, dry, and/or windy.

While burn permits are not required after Oct. 20, IDL encourages those who plan to burn to complete the online form as it helps inform fire managers where burning activities are occurring, reducing the number of false runs to fires and saving firefighting resources for instances in which they are truly needed. The permit is free and can be obtained online at or in person at IDL offices statewide.

The IDL issued nearly 17,000 burn permits in calendar year 2018.