Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In Bonners Ferry History

| October 24, 2019 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Patron’s Day will be held at the local schools on Friday, Nov. 21st. The students will exhibit their school work for the year. There will also be an apple exhibit where local citizens may show what they have raised. G.T. Campbell will lead his classes in a drill and exercise show. Sgt. Campbell says his pupils are doing better work in mastering the U.S. drill regulations than any group of men he had at Camp Lewis.

It has been decided to postpone installing the new drinking fountain until spring when a new cement walkway will be laid around their entire First National Bank block. Main St. has been opened to traffic from Bonner St. to the county bridge. The remainder of Main St. will reopen the end of next week.

W.C. Cundell, proprietor of The Shamrock Cigar Store, announced that he is starting a pool tournament. It is open to everyone and there are no fees. Every entrant will play one game with every other entrant and the winner of the most games will receive a $10 prize.

50 Years Ago

The fall meeting of the North Idaho Chamber was held this week. There were few bright spots in the economic outlook for the county.

Although the summer of ‘69 was extremely dry, the total number of acres burned in the national forests was held to a four year low.

Chief of Police, Don Hamilton, urges everyone to lock their vehicles, especially persons carrying firearms but also if you have tape players or other equipment.

TV reception will be interrupted for about 6 hours on Saturday for the annual tune-up for the equipment on Black Mountain. This tune-up is required by the FCC.

15 Years Ago

A lost hunter was located Sunday after officials mounted an all - out search when he was reported missing. David A. Barley, of Sandpoint, was found in good condition.

A grant writing project is underway that could provide Boundary Co. Jr. High with new computers for two computer lab classrooms.

A string of burglaries on Sunday night had the Sheriff’s Office looking for suspects. The Naples Store, BG Auto, and the Mission Creek Store were all broken into.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum