Thursday, February 13, 2025

The Tuesday's Troubles are off and rolling

by Dolores Sweet Contributing Writer
| October 31, 2019 1:00 AM

The computers were down at the bowling alley — a casualty of the construction. We have been bowling all along, but the scores were lost.

Week one:

Carolyn McNeill got high scratch game 187 and second high scratch series 446. Alice VanGundy got second high scratch game 165 and high scratch series 471. Evelyn Smith got third high scratch game 159. Lil Jimenez got third high scratch series.

The Tsunamis (Lil Jimenez, Lila Finley, Helen Heritage) got high scratch game 406, high handicap game 667, and second high handicap series 1804. The Heat Waves (Evelyn Smith, Zetta Graupner, Carolyn McNeill) got second high scratch game 404, high scratch series 1166, and tied for third high handicap series 1802. The Stormys (Donna Kent, Alice VanGundy, Donna Nystrom) got third high scratch game 394 and second high scratch series 1164. The Blizzards (Nina Saunders, Regina Colby, Melayne Stevens) got third high scratch series 1067, third high handicap game 619, and tied for third high handicap series.

Carolyn McNeill got the only turkey. Doubles were bowled by Evelyn Smith, Fran Musak, and Alice VanGundy. Splits were converted by Helen heritage 2-7, Dolores Sweet 3-10, Elaine Wheeler 4-5, Jeanne Osborn 3-9-10, and Lil Jimenez 5-6-10.

Week two:

Alice VanGundy got high scratch game 175 and high scratch series 483. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 162 and high scratch series 471. Lil Jimenez got third high scratch game 148 and second high scratch series 440. Helen Heritage got third high scratch series 401.

The Stormys (Donna Kent, Alice VanGundy, Donna Nystrom) got high scratch game 462, high scratch series 1237, high handicap game 674, and third high handicap series 1873. The Tsunamis (Lil Jimenez, Lila Finley, Helen Heritage) got high scratch game 388, second high scratch series 1103, third high handicap game 649, and second high handicap series 1886. The Three Sunshines (Virginia Sanborn, Michelle Sweet, Dolores Sweet) got third high scratch game 377 and third high scratch series 1078. The Breezys (DaVonna Cada, Nancy Clatworthy, Jeanne Osborn) got second high handicap game 655 and high handicap series 1923.

Doubles were bowled by DaVonna Cada, Jeanne Osborn, Michelle Sweet, Donna Kent, and Alice VanGundy (2).

Splits were converted by Helen Heritage 3-10, Virginia Sanborn 5-7, Nina Saunders 4-5, Dolores Sweet and Nancy Clatworthy 2-7, and Donna Kent and Nina Saunders 4-5.