Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Legals September 26, 2019

| September 26, 2019 1:30 AM

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearing at 06:00 PM Thursday, October 17, 2019 in the Extension Office located behind the County Courthouse to accept public comment on an Urban Subdivision Application, 19-176 by Jim Ball. This application involves establishing an Urban Subdivision on parcel #' RP62N01E2349035A (totaling 4.06 acres) which are located in the Rural Residential Zone on the west side of Shamrock Rd in Paradise Valley. This request is made in conjunction with Ordinance 9B18LOV2: 11.3.7. Urban Subdivision: Subdivision by long plat to create lots intended for residential development in which any lot proposed is less than 2 1/2 acres in size. Written comment may be mailed by 12PM 9 October 2019 to Planning and Zoning, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-7814 or emailed to planning@boundarycountyid.org. Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at www.boundarycountyid.org/node/66/. Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact Planning and Zoning (208 267-7212) at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH LEGAL 10272 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Boundary County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold public hearing at 6:00 PM Thursday, October 17, 2019 in the Boundary County Extension Office behind the Courthouse to accept public comment on Amending Land Use Ordinance 9B18LOV2, Application 19-177 by Planning and Zoning Commission. Application 19-177 involves Amending 9B18LOV2 to establish 9B18LOV3: SECTION 2. DEFINITIONS; SECTION 4. ENFORCEMENT; SECTION 6. ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PERMITS; SECTION 7. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS; SECTION 10. STANDARDS FOR SPECIFIC USES; SECTION 11. SUBDIVISIONS; SECTION 12. VARIANCES; SECTION 13. MEDIATION AND APPEALS; SECTION 15. ZONE DISTRICT SPECIFICATIONS; SECTION 18. AMENDMENTS; SECTION 20. PARCEL DIVISIONS; PLUS VARIOUS TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS THROUGHOUT THE ORDINANCE. The deadline for written comment and material for 19-177 is 12 PM Wednesday October 9, 2019. Written comment may be mailed to: Boundary County Planning and Zoning Administrator, PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, faxed to (208) 267-7814 or emailed to planning@boundarycountyid.org. Written comment will be accepted at public hearing provided the material is read into the record. There may be a five (5) minute limit per person on verbal testimony. Further information is available on this application at the Planning & Zoning Office, room 18 located in the Extension Office behind the Courthouse, and the application is available for public review. Information is also available by calling (208) 267-7212 or by visiting the county website at www.boundarycountyid.org/node/66/. Anyone requiring special accommodation due to handicap or disability should contact the planning office at least two (2) days prior to the hearing. BFH LEGAL 10274 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

ORDINANCE NO. 133 AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2019 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2020" APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $4,220,095.26 TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE CITY OF MOYIE SPRINGS FOR SAID YEAR; LEVYING A SUFFICIENT TAX UPON THE TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY FOR GENERAL REVENUE PURPOSES FOR WHICH SUCH APPROPRIATION IS MADE; AND LEVYING SPECIAL TAXES UPON TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY FOR SPECIAL REVENUE PURPOSES WITHIN THE LIMITS OF SAID CITY OF MOYIE SPRINGS, IDAHO. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MOYIE SPRINGS, BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO: Section 1: That the sum of $4,220,095.26 be and the same is hereby appropriated to defray the necessary expenses and liabilities of the CIty of Moyie Springs, Boundary County, Idaho, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2019. Section 2: That the objects and purposes for which such appropriations are made are as follows. General Fund: City Administration Expenses 148,667.62 Fire Department Expenses 22,290.09 Capital Improvements 1,931.09 Water Fund: Water Department Expense 200,205.22 Capital Improvements 180,048.76 Sewer Fund: Sewer Department Expenses 1,590,140.07 Capital Improvements 2,000,000.00 Road Fund: Road Department Expenses 63,425.37 Capital Improvements 13,387.04 TOTAL EXPENSES $4,220,095.26 Section 3: That the General Levy of $60,140.08 on all taxable property within the City of Moyie Springs be and the same is hereby levied for general revenue purposes for the fiscal year commencing October 1, 2019. Section 4: That no Special Levy is imposed. Section 5:That provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable and if any provisions of this Ordinance or the application of such provision to any person or circumstance is declared invalid for any reason, such declaration shall not affect the validity of remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 6: This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force upon its passage, approval and publication in one (1) issue of the Bonners Ferry Herald, a newspaper of general circulation published within the City of Moyie Springs and the official newspaper thereof. Passed under suspension of rules upon which a roll call vote was duly taken and duly enacted as an Ordinance of the City of Moyie Springs at a regular session of the City Council September 4th, 2019. APPROVED by the Acting Mayor this 4th day of September, 2019. /s/Steve Economu Acting Mayor, City of Moyie Springs Attest: /S/ Donna Wilson-Funkhouser Clerk City of Moyie Springs BFH LEGAL 10275 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

STATE TIMBER SALE CR100465, MOUNTAIN LION A public oral auction will be conducted at the Idaho Department of Lands office, 4053 Cavanaugh Bay Road, Coolin, ID 83821, at 9:00 a.m. local time, on Thursday, October 24, 2019 for an estimated 5,300 MBF of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is an unestimated volume of forest products that may be removed at the option of the purchaser. Prior to bidding, eligible bidders shall present a certified check or bank draft payable to Treasurer, State of Idaho, or a bid bond acceptable to the State, in the amount of $78,563.10 which is 10% of the appraised net sale value of $785,631.00. The successful bidder's deposit will be forfeited to the State should the bidder fail to complete the contract. The State will not accept bids from parties who are delinquent on payments on existing state contracts. The average starting minimum bid price is $183.53 per MBF. The sale is located within Sections 19 and 30, Township 60N, Range 03W and Sections 25 and 36, Township 60N, Range 04W, B.M., Bonner and Boundary Counties, State of Idaho. Sale duration is 4 years. The sale may include blowdown and/or insect and disease infected timber which may result in additional volume and recovery reductions. Interested purchasers should carefully examine the sale and make their own estimates as to volume recovery, surface conditions, and proposed construction prior to bidding on the sale. Additional information concerning the timber and conditions of sale is available to the public and interested bidders on the department's timber sale website at http://web.idl.idaho.gov/timbersale/Search.aspx or from the Idaho Department of Lands office, Coolin, Idaho. Please note purchaser insurance requirements posted on the timber sale website. The Department of Lands, as authorized by the State Board of Land Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids provided that good and sufficient grounds for rejecting the bid shall be stated in the rejection notice and shall not be in violation of applicable law. If you are disabled and need some form of accommodation, please call (208) 443-2516 five days prior to the date of sale. For text telephone services, please call 1-800-377-3529. BFH LEGAL 10273 SEPTEMBER 26, OCTOBER 3, 10, 17, 2019

STATE TIMBER SALE CR200369, WET BOOT A public oral auction will be conducted at the Idaho Department of Lands office, 6327 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, at 9:00 a.m. local time, on Tuesday, October 15, 2019 for an estimated 4,115 MBF of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is an unestimated volume of forest products that may be removed at the option of the purchaser. Prior to bidding, eligible bidders shall present a certified check or bank draft payable to Treasurer, State of Idaho, or a bid bond acceptable to the State, in the amount of $96,182.70 which is 10% of the appraised net sale value of $961,827.00. The successful bidder's deposit will be forfeited to the State should the bidder fail to complete the contract. The State will not accept bids from parties who are delinquent on payments on existing state contracts. The average starting minimum bid price is $248.86 per MBF. The sale is located within Section 18, Township 60N, Range 01W, B.M., Boundary County, State of Idaho. Sale duration is 3 years. The sale may include blowdown and/or insect and disease infected timber which may result in additional volume and recovery reductions. Interested purchasers should carefully examine the sale and make their own estimates as to volume recovery, surface conditions, and proposed construction prior to bidding on the sale. Additional information concerning the timber and conditions of sale is available to the public and interested bidders on the department's timber sale website at http://web.idl.idaho.gov/timbersale/Search.aspx or from the Idaho Department of Lands office, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Please note purchaser insurance requirements posted on the timber sale website. The Department of Lands, as authorized by the State Board of Land Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids provided that good and sufficient grounds for rejecting the bid shall be stated in the rejection notice and shall not be in violation of applicable law. If you are disabled and need some form of accommodation, please call (208) 267-5577 five days prior to the date of sale. For text telephone services, please call 1-800-377-3529. BFH LEGAL 10267 SEPTEMBER 19, 26, OCTOBER 3, 10, 2019

The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho: 98-8006 VWH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP MICHAEL HUBBARD WESLEY HUBBARD 4181 DISTRICT FIVE RD BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805-5490 Point of Diversion L11(SESW) S31 T63N R01E BOUNDARY County Source KOOTENAI RIVER Tributary COLUMBIA RIVER Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 1.8 CFS Total Diversion: 1.8 CFS Date Filed: 8/20/2019 Place Of Use: IRRIGATION T62N R01E S6 L2(NWNE) L3(NENW) L5(NWNW) L5(SWNW) SENW T63N R01E S31 L11(SESW) Total Acres: 90 Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. For additional information concerning the property location, contact Northern Region office at (208) 762-2800. Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code § 42-203A. Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resources, Northern Region, 7600 N MINERAL DR STE 100, COEUR D ALENE ID 83815-7763 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 10/7/2019. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant. GARY SPACKMAN, Director BFH LEGAL 10268 SEPTEMBER 19, 26, 2019

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Adult or Emancipated Minor) Case No. CV 11-19-373 IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN RE: Jennifer Chatwin Jessop Legal Name A Petition to change the name of Jennifer Chatwin Jessop, now residing in the City of Bonners Ferry, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Boundary County, Idaho. The name will change to Jennifer Skye Jessop. The reason for the change in name in: My father always called me Skye so it's the name that means the most to me. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:30 o'clock a.m. on October 8th 2019 at the Boundary County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: 8/22/2019 GLENDA POSTON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH Legal 10261 September 5, 12, 19, 26, 2019

Unclaimed Property Notice Why would anyone have unclaimed money? Unclaimed money consists of forgotten bank accounts, refund checks, utility deposits, wages, tax refunds and more. The Idaho State Treasurer's Unclaimed Property Division acts as a consumer protection agency to ensure forgotten funds are returned to their rightful owners. Check online for your name at YourMoney.Idaho.gov. BFH LEGAL 10271 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 01/16/2020 at the hour of 11:00 AM of said day, at Boundary County Courthouse the Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of Boundary, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: A tract of land situated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4 SW1/4) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Sixty-two (62) North, Range One (1) East B.M., Boundary County, Idaho, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 5/8' rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877 on the North line of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4 SW1/4) of Section Thirty-four (34), which is South 89° 39' 25" East, 707.72 feet from the Northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest (SW1/4 SW1/4) ; thence along said North line and along the North line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 80283, South 89° 39' 25" East, 144.00 feet to the Northeast corner of that parcel described in instrument No. 80283, which is marked on the ground by a 5/8' rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 3628; thence leaving the North line of said Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4 SW1/4) and along the East line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 80283, South 01° 09' 10" West, 132.00 feet to the Southeast corner of that parcel described in Instrument No. 80283 which is marked on the ground by a 5/8' rebar and plastic cap Stamped PLS 3628; thence along the South line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 80283, North 89° 39' 25" West, 144.00 feet to a 5/8' rebar and plastic cap stamped PLS 7877; thence leaving said South line North 01° 09' 10" East, 132.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The Seller has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above described real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the street address of 6476 Tamarack Lane, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, may sometimes be associated with said real property. Said sale will be made, without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust made and entered into on 05/10/2005, by and among Alvaro Ortiz and Guadalupe Lopez, Husband and Wife, as Grantor, and Pioneer Title Company, as Trustee, and Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust having been filed of record on 05/10/2005 as Instrument No. 220399 and re-recorded at Instrument No. 220476, Official Records of Boundary County, Idaho. The naming of the above Grantor(s) is done to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made as to the responsibility of Grantor(s) for this obligation. The default for which the sale is to be made is that Grantor(s) have failed to pay one or more monthly installment payments under a deed of trust note dated 05/10/2005, secured by the above mentioned Deed of Trust, together with accruing late charges, plus any other charges lawfully due under the note, deed of trust, and Idaho law. The balance owing as of 07/17/2019 on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is the amount of $98,851.17; plus service charges, late charges, and any other costs or expenses associated with this foreclosure as provided by the Deed of Trust or Deed of Trust Note, or by Idaho law. BFH LEGAL 10269 SEPTEMBER 19, 26, OCTOBER 3, 10, 2019