Friday, March 14, 2025

Gun Club News

| April 9, 2020 1:00 AM

The Gun Club will be closed through April ... hopefully opening back up the first of May, obeying and respecting the request made by our Governor Little. This is also for the safety of our members and High School Team, “Duke’s Claybusters,” along with guests and parents.

We also received word that the paving is scheduled to start April 27 and 28, to be done at the club for the two new trap houses for shooting positions and distances. We sure need mother nature to calm down; Sandy Ridge Road had three inches of fresh snow this morning, April 2, and it was 24 degrees. WOW!!

The Camas Prairie Shoot has been rescheduled to Aug. 27-28, still at the Walla Walla, Wash., Gun Club. All the RV reservations are saved. Our club will also be back up and going as soon as the paving is completed and the virus leaves us all healthy.

I have a lot of Thank You’s to give out. First to the N.R.A. for their generous grant to the Bonners Ferry Gun Club for the High School Trap Team, with 12 gauge shotgun shells and a check to pay for the clay targets, Thank you N.R.A and friends of N.R.A.

Thank you to Ron and Kristie Campbell and the Campbell Trust for their help in funding the new paving, Chuck Davis has and is helping with his grader and dump truck. Thank you Chuck and also Chuck’s wife for making and delivering a great sandwich for lunch. Clark and Robbi Fairchild, Colin’s parents, for donating new Hoodie Jackets for each of the Claybusters shooting team. The hoodies have each shooter’s name and a great logo on the back. Thank You. Please say a prayer for Clark for fast healing after an accident this last weekend.

Thank you to the members and the parents for all your support with our new improvements. Also to the members of the Claybuster Team for all your help with loading the trap houses and shoveling of snow. Looking forward to a great spring. Thank you all!!! Shoot safe and stay healthy.

— Coach Lonny Jelinek