Second Harvest plans mobile market event
Recognizing the need for food in the Inland Empire, Second Harvest Inland Empire has offered to bring an extra emergency mobile food delivery truck to Bonners Ferry on April 22 from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m.
The mobile market is in addition to four already scheduled dates set for this year — May 15, June 12, July 30 and September 11. Those trucks are partially paid for with local funds. This April truck is being sent with no cost attached for Bonners Ferry.
This truck will follow a different procedure than usual. The distribution point will be at the east end of the fairgrounds (the town end). Because of safety concerns this will be a drive up only distribution. Each car will get the same amount of food. There is no provision for multiple families in one car. Cars will be directed to get their pre-bagged food handed to them and then will exit out past the old mill site and up on to the dike to go back to town. Recipients are asked to not get out of their cars at any time. To facilitate a quick operation. There will be no sign in this time. For this distribution volunteers are already designated there will not be a need for additional volunteers.
2nd Harvest has developed protocols to avoid personal contact at their food distributions to meet governmental and safety concerns.
As always, all who desire help with obtaining food are welcome. There are no income or residency requirements. Food is obtained from producers, distributors and retailers by Second Harvest and warehoused and prepared for distribution in Spokane. It is delivered by refrigerated trucks designed for food distribution.
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