Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Disability Action Center offering services

| April 23, 2020 1:00 AM

Disability Action Center NW is the local Center for Independent Living serving North Idaho and parts of eastern Washington.

Even though their offices are closed to the public, staff is still available and working to help people with disabilities stay independent during COVID-19. Services like in home personal assistants, PPE for consumers and assistants, peer to peer counseling, no-cost durable medical goods distribution, assistance with accessing benefits, and more are still available. Always accessible, they have numerous technology options for connecting with consumers. People can access these services through email from the website, and by phone at 208-457-3891 for the northern Idaho area, and 509-995-7655 for youth with disabilities in the Spokane area.

As part of the COVID-19 relief package, CIL’s will be receiving additional monies to help people with disabilities. “Our staff is currently reaching out to the disability population to see where the biggest need is,” said Mark Leeper, executive director of DAC NW. “It could be access to the internet, transportation, or keeping people out of nursing homes, as they are very dangerous places to be right now.”

People who have faced some kind of barrier during this time are encouraged to contact the DAC office, so they can put together a comprehensive plan to spend these funds wisely as soon as they are available.

Disability Action Center NW is a non-profit self-advocacy organization for people with disabilities, and their goal is to keep people living as independently as they can.