Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Officials engaging in reckless coronavirus politics

| April 23, 2020 1:00 AM

State Rep. Heather Scott and Sage Dixon in District 1 and Tim Remington in District 3 must believe that the coronavirus epidemic is not a North Idaho problem. Representative Scott believes that the stay-at-home guidelines restrict our freedom and liberty. Sage Dixon lobbied to have the violation reporting link on the state website deleted. Until recently, Tim Remington continued to hold in person church services at his church in Coeur d’Alene. Bonner County Sheriff Daryl Wheeler does not believe that the information from public health officials is reliable and asks Idaho to change course on social distancing and staying home.

These public officials are ignoring the facts and acting recklessly and dangerously. Their advice if followed would endanger the health of all of us.

Government is morally obligated to save lives and the steps taken by President Trump and Governor Little are doing just that. The entire health care community agrees coronavirus is deadly and spreading exponentially. None of us want North Idaho to become New York, Washington state, or California. The actions taken by our president and governor are necessary to protect us.

In North Idaho we have only had a handfull of cases because we are a rural isolated population and the residents are accepting the guidelines. Listen to the president and governor. Follow the rules and we will all come out of this healthy and together.



Candidate for Idaho Legislature

District 1, Seat B