Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Staff, students, parents face changes due to coronavirus pandemic

by Gina Brown
| April 23, 2020 1:00 AM

Greetings from a very quiet BFHS. I believe this quote sums up the sums quarter quite well. “… The only thing predictable about life is its unpredictability.”(Sergey Grechishkin)

As BFHS continues to transition to remote learning, student and staff continue to adapt to the ever-changing world of education.

One of the changes that students and staff are adjusting to is the new grading system. The board of trustees approved a grading system of P/NC (Pass/No Credit) for the semester. A P/NC will not impact GPA in any way and in order to receive a “P” the student must pass the third quarter and complete a minimum number of fourth quarter assignments. It is critical that your student pass the third quarter. If they did not pass, they will need to work with the teacher to get the grade to a passing percentage of 60 percent.

Students and parents are also offered the option of receiving a letter grade for a class. If a student chooses a letter grade, they must complete all fourth quarter assignments. The semester letter grade will be their third quarter grade unless they would like the opportunity to bring it up. By the end of this week, teachers will have a list of learning activities that students will need to accomplish for each grading option so please check their website to see which a better option for you. There is a letter posted on the BFHS website that contains more details.

While teachers are working remotely, our office continues to be staffed Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in order to assist with the drop-off and pick-up of assignments. Please call in advance so we can have your items ready for you.

Another change that students, parents, and community members are adjusting to is the impact of social distancing requirements on graduation. Senior class officers have been meeting with administration for the past two weeks to come up with a plan. The date has been changed and it will now occur on Saturday, June 6, at 11 a.m. The date has been changed in hopes that some of the social distancing restrictions will be lifted at the beginning of June and those requirements will drive the type of ceremony. Other details will be made available as we get closer to end the May. The great news is that if we can have a graduation ceremony at the BFHS football field, the new sound system should be installed.

In the meantime, caps and gowns will be arriving soon. Once they are here, we will set up a schedule for students to pick them up. Please watch for times and dates.

Volunteers are working to complete the community trail behind the high school that was a part of the High 5 grant awarded to the community last year. We are excited to see the final product and for the community to begin using it.

Students and parents, please continue to check the school website and PowerSchool frequently. If you have questions or are struggling with coursework, please contact your teacher. They can’t help you if they do not know you are having difficulty.

As our community and country continue to adjust to the unprecedented times we are in, I am so thankful for the patience, support, and understanding of our Boundary County students, parents, and community. You are amazing!

Gina Brown is principal of Bonners Ferry High School.