Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Mt. Hall shares school's news

| April 30, 2020 1:00 AM


Contributing writer

Although April has not gone how we all thought it would, the students and staff have adjusted to our new normal. To think our last day being together this school year could be St. Patrick’s Day is hard to believe.

With that said, we have tried to make the most of it. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude to the students, staff and parents for stepping up over the past month and a half and figuring out this virtual learning platform. Mr. Harmon Newhouse, the Naples principal, says it best. This is not home school, this is pandemic school. We have been forced into a teaching format that none of us signed up for. Regardless, I can say we’ve made the most of it. Nothing compares to working with kids on a daily basis, but I am thankful for technology and the patience of parents and teachers as we find a way to make this work.

The kids have been rock stars adjusting to their new routines, and even though they miss their friends, they’ve been logging on and completing their work from home. Way to go, kids! The teachers have also been incredible in finding interesting and creative ways to engage kids at home and to make things easy for parents to navigate. This hasn’t been a walk in the park, but teachers and parents have given each other a lot of grace during this time, and it’s been much appreciated. I hope this all ends soon, but if it doesn’t, I know that the students, staff, and families of Mt. Hall and our district have the grit to make it work. Thank you to everyone who has gone above and beyond. Your hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed!

To help engage students at home, I’ve challenged the Mt. Hall Wildcats to Principal Challenges. The first challenge was to build a paper airplane that could carry the most cargo. With an airplane that traveled 22 feet holding 113 coins, a smoke bomb, and a GI Joe, Boston Alexander will go down in Mt. Hall history as the first winner of the Principal Challenge. For the second challenge, Mt. Hall Wildcats were challenged to a LEGO competition. The Wildcats did not disappoint with this challenge either. The winner for kindergarten, first and second grade goes to Kady Alexander and her LEGO creation: COVID 19 Busters! The winner for third, fourth, and fifth grade goes to Dominic Solum and his LEGO creation: Happy Earth Day. I have really enjoyed connecting with kids through these challenges. New challenges are posted each week. You can follow our challenges on Facebook @mt.hallschool.

If you have or know of a future kindergartener, kindergarten registration is now online. The registration can be found at www.bcsd101.com, or you can call the school to request a paper form. Our number is (208)267-5276 ext. 0. Mt. Hall Elementary is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

I would like to end with a sincere heartfelt thank you to Mt. Hall families. Thank you stepping up and teaching your children, and being gracious with us as we send home educational packets and prepare online work.

This is not ideal for any of us. Please know that we are doing the best we can, and we know you are doing the best you can. Hang in there! These are unprecedented times, and we are in this together. The staff at Mt. Hall misses your children.

Until next month, Go Wildcats!

Lisa Iverson is Mt. Hall Elementary principal, Title 1 director, and Migrant & LEP director.


Kaydence Alexander and her COVID busters creation.