Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Dixon will stand up and defend our rights

| April 30, 2020 1:00 AM

Sage Dixon’s opponent is aghast that citizens of Idaho would dare disobey a stay-at-home edict. So much so that he was compelled to pen an op-ed shaming Rep. Dixon for requesting the shuttering of a website created by employees of Health and Welfare that, in eerie shades of East Germany, encouraged area residents to *report* on those disobeying the governor’s stay-at-home order.

This is the same man, mind you, who sat in a courtroom fighting a Bonner County property owner who brought a lawsuit challenging a permanent property tax “won” via an illegal levy ballot he and his fellow school board members ran last year.

So he demands that you and I obey, with the threat of punishment, edicts that trample on our rights, while at the same time fighting to keep a levy election in place that violated at least two Idaho laws.

And he wants the job of legislator that would write laws for you and me. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.

To the contrary, Rep. Dixon has always stood in defense of liberty, our first and second amendment rights, has fought on behalf of his constituents to lower taxes, values life, and promotes personal responsibility and not the heavy hand of government and punishment of those who dare to stand up for their rights.

Sage Dixon is a man of integrity and he deserves your vote on May 19.

