Thursday, February 13, 2025

Task force editorial was based on politically correct rhetoric

| December 3, 2020 1:00 AM

Did you see the latest editorial by Timothy Braatz? He again is preaching to us about changes to our family values and changing our American Christian culture that was established at the beginning of our country's founding. Why is he even taken seriously in our local paper? His editorial is based on embellishments, mistruths and present day politically correct rhetoric. I would much rather hear something that actually relates to us here in Northern Idaho like what the what Boundary County Sheriff- Dave Kramer said or from the Bonners Ferry Chamber of Commerce.

Braatz is a PC propagandist from California. This "professor" keeps referring to the Boundary County Human Rights Task Force. This is another flowery named nonprofit group that is very common way for the left to give the perception of being a credit to our community. They are not a credit to Boundary County but a group we need to banish.

Go to the and read for yourself. BCHRTF sent letters to the local sheriffs telling them to arrest the patriots that kept Coeur d’Alene from becoming another Portland or Seattle. BCHRTF say these "militias" are breaking the law. Of course, Braatz refers to these patriots as militia. No, they are just concerned citizens that don't want their town looted and burned to the ground. Intel was gathered across the internet confirming antifa’s next stop was Coeur d'Alene. Can you imagine what would have happened if our community-minded friends were not there in downtown Coeur d'Alene to help our shop owners and residents when they were gravely needed? is probably the group that tried to force our Bonners Ferry charter changed to support what the Bible is saying we should not. So Braatz writes we should arrest community members that are exercising their Second Amendment rights and do away with Columbus Day. That the problem with the violent riots in Kenosha were the cause of people like Kyle Rittenhouse. Braatz is "Cancel Culture's" poster boy. He also wrote that the Republicans are racist. He must have taken a blow to the head and forgot about the fact that the KKK were the enforcement wing of the Democrat Party for many, many, years. Braatz wrote there is no evidence of voter fraud. He must have been living in a closet that last few years and more recently didn't hear about the blatant fraud in elections all around the country where there are hundreds of people that have been convicted in court in previous elections. Just pick your state. Braatz also believes that felons should be allowed to vote and that voting rolls should not be "scrubbed" of dead people, illegal aliens or anyone that has moved or not eligible to vote!

What do you think? Do we need to hear anymore from California professor Timothy Braatz?

