Friday, March 14, 2025

Bonners Ferry students place at state Elks Hoop Shoot competition

| February 20, 2020 1:00 AM

On Feb. 8, Bonners Ferry was well-represented in the state level Elks Hoop Shoot contest in Grangeville, Idaho.

Peyton Hinthorn, a fifth grader at Valley View Elementary School, and Sydney Hinthorn, a seventh grader at Boundary County Middle School, both put on their basketball shoes and tried to make as many free throws as they could. They both won their local, district, and regional contests in Bonners Ferry, Sandpoint, and Kellogg, respectfully.

Sydney took fourth place in the state 12-13-year-old girls division. Peyton tied for first place initially, shooting 22 of 25 free throws and requiring a tiebreaker shoot-out, where he sank 14 of his 15 shots. His competitor in the 10-11-year-old boys division was spot on with 15 out of 15 free throws. Peyton brought home the second place trophy for the state of Idaho.

Congratulations to both local competitors. Students can qualify for this free throw contest every year in their PE classes during the month of December. Start practicing now!