Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Tuesday’s Trouble have finished sixteen weeks of bowling

| February 20, 2020 1:00 AM

Lil Jimenez got high scratch game 189, high scratch series 483, high handicap game 256, and high handicap series 684. Donna Kent got second high scratch game 177, second high scratch series 471, and second high handicap series 672. Regina Colby got third high scratch game 169 and third high handicap game 251. Carolyn McNeill got third high scratch series 438. Tami Patzer got second high handicap game 254 and third high handicap series 671.

The Stormys (Donna Kent, Tami Patzer, Donna Nystrom) got high scratch game 455, high scratch series 1213, high handicap game 706, and high handicap series 1966. The Three Sunshines (Melayne Stevens, Michelle Sweet, Dolores Sweet) got second high scratch game 400, third high scratch series 1102, second high handicap game 646, and third high handicap series 1840. The Tsunamis (Lil Jimenez, Lila Finley, Helen Heritage) got third high scratch game 397. The Breezys (DaVonna Cada, Nancy Clatworthy. Jeanne Osborn) got second high scratch series 1123. The Blizzards (Nina Saunders, Regina Colby, Kathy Konek) got third high handicap game 645 and second high handicap series 1857.

The only turkey bowled was by Donna Kent. Doubles were bowled by Kathy Konek three, Lil Jimenez and Nancy Clatworthy two. Dolores Sweet and Carolyn McNeill each got one.

Splits were converted by Melayne Stevens the 4-5, 1-5-7 and 2-7. Lil Jimenez, Jeanne Osborn, Lila Finley, and Donna Kent two the 2-7. Nancy Clatworthy 2-5-7, Helen Heritage 2-7-8 and Michelle Sweet and Carolyn McNeill got the 5-6.