Friday, March 14, 2025

Letter to the Editor

| January 16, 2020 12:00 AM

TASK FORCE: A wagon of lies

The task force’s propaganda agenda is a wagon of lies and is at war with the principles our nation was founded upon. These principles were that God existed and that right, justice and law emanate from His Word, not from the changing opinions of man.

The high-sounding ideals of “human rights” to eliminate unemployment, poverty, “inequality,” and promote “dignity,” sounds good! Have not heard yet from any promoting unemployment, poverty, inequality and ‘indignity.’ So what is really riding in their wagon to ‘utopia’?

The Liberal agenda is pro-abortion, with 70+ million murdered. The mass murderers like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and others; tyrants of history promoted similar high-sounding “ideals.” The task force’s version of “dignity” is promoting the “LBGTQ community.” We have same-sex marriage, original birth certificates being reissued for the “feel like a different sex” person, and those who demand to be called by a myriad of pronouns that make them “feel better.”

These ‘proud’ people line up to proclaim their “pride,” but it’s all a lie. Their agenda is the new nazism. Their pit of tolerance is bottomless and the only ‘pronoun’ that truthfully articulate where we are going is “Hell.” The remains of Sodom and Gamora are a lasting monument to ‘tolerance.’ The task force wagon that is full of dead bodies, and lies, and has nothing to be proud of.

Steve Tanner

Bonners Ferry