Friday, March 14, 2025

Chili helps bring warmth to veterans, first responders

by Mandi Bateman Editor
| January 23, 2020 12:00 AM


Photo by TONIA BROOKS Tom Cheney at the head of the table handed out warm blankets and homemade knitted hats to the residents of the Restorium who had served in the capacity of first responder or with the armed forces. Next to Cheney (a US AIRFORCE veteran), on the right (and travelling clockwise) is Rosemary Hopkins (US NAVY), Lois Frazier (Police Dept. Dispatcher), Don Dozier (US NAVY), Selby Sharp (US ARMY), Carol Pomeroy (V.A. Nurse), and Bunny Bennett (EMT). Not pictured, though also receipents, were: Rudy Costanzo (US MARINE CORPS), Bill McClive (US ARMY), and Warren Scott (US ARMY).


COURTESY PHOTO Susanna Dittmann, winner of the cornbread category, and Tom Chaney, winner of the hot chili category, in a fundraising event last Saturday.


Photo by TONIA BROOKS Tom Cheney, after handing out warm blankets and handmade knitted hats to Restorium former first responders and military veterans, supplied the attendees with warm hugs.

BONNERS FERRY — Chili warms the belly, but on Saturday, Jan. 18, chili also provided warmth for local veterans and first responders living at the Boundary County Community Restorium.

VFW Post 3622 hosted a chili cook-off contest to help raise money to provide the veterans and first responders with warm hats and gloves. The event was free to enter and also to judge but donations were welcome.

People did not just donate money. Nine handmade hats and two scarves were also donated.

With five regular chili submissions, two hot chilis, and five cornbreads, the almost 40 people who turned out to taste and vote had plenty of choices.

John Klupenger won first place for his regular chili, Tom Chaney took first in the hot category, and Susanna Dittmann brought the winning cornbread.

Organizer Tom Chaney said the event brought in enough money to provide warm items for the veterans and first responders.

“VFW Post 3622 would like to thank everyone who helped, came out for great food and fellowship, and most of all, donations that came from the heart,” said Chaney.