Saturday, December 28, 2024

Panhandle Health District denies mask mandate

| July 17, 2020 4:58 PM

The panhandle health district’s health board met for a special meeting to discuss a potential mask mandate; the motion was denied and postponed following further discussion.

The statistical information on the rate of increase for Coronavirus in the panhandle was delivered by an epidemiologist, Jeff Lee, who had to abruptly end his presentation due to hacking and writing PowerPoint presentation saying “No Mask.”

There was much public outrage at the potential mandatory mask mandate by the public in attendance.

Many of the board members viewed Coronavirus’s risks as minimal to the majority of people, but increased risk for those with ailments.

Boundary County Commissioner, Walter Kirby believed that the public should mask up, but those who did not want to wear a mask had that same right.

Kirby cited the Restorium “taking stringent rules for visitors” but also noted that a downtown business in Bonners Ferry had the right to implement a no mask, no business” policy.

The concern by many on the board, including Commissioner Kirby, believed that a mandatory mask mandate is unenforceable.

The board member advocating for a mask mandate is Dr. Richard Mclandress who said, “This is not just a disease of the elderly,”

Mclandress stressed that any delay can have a potential outcome that could stress services.

“If we dont cool down our rise, we wont be able to send our kids back to school.”

Mclandress states the board of the panhandle health district is supported by a legislative right to enforce a face coverings mandate.

Legal counsel, Marc Lyons suggested a draft of a mandated requirement does exist that can be approved for and can be circulated to the board members.

Lyons warned the board, “approbing before seeing a draft is problematic.”

Chairman of the board suggested his belief for not supporting a mask mandate due to the low-risk in the panhandle.

The board motioned to vote no for a mask mandate but motioned for a more thorough look at a drafted mandate for consideration at the next board meeting.