Friday, March 14, 2025

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| March 12, 2020 1:00 AM

Buckhorn Mine

The Cynide Gold Mining Company, Ltd claims (in the Deer Creek area) consisted of the following: Hoosier Boy, Buckhorn, Boston, Keystone, Lucky-Three, Scout, Last Chance, and Wee Fraction.

In 1906, a good wagon road brought men to the Buckhorn development, with 1,600 feet of tunnels; where gold was being mined from the rock. The claims, valued at $60,000, had 5,000 tons of ore on the dumps.

In 1924, the directors of the Cynide Gold Mining Company constructed a dam and power plant on the Moyie River below Eileen with 10 miles of transmission line to carry electricity to both the Scout and the Buckhorn. On May 19, 1925, high water broke the dam; the dam was never successful.

In 1931, the Deer Creek fire ripped through the area missing the buildings of the Buckhorn. It is uncertain if ‘hot spots’ remained, but two weeks after the Deer Creek fire passed, the buildings of the Buckhorn caught on fire for a total loss. The mine never regained the strength it had in its early years.

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