Saturday, March 08, 2025

City backs gradual reopening

Hagadone News Network | May 7, 2020 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Modifications to Boundary County’s services and operations will remain in place through May 18 — and both city and county officials are reminding residents it is important to follow the steps outlined in the governor’s Rebound Idaho plan.

“The city understands the difficulty of the current conditions related to the economy and the transition back to a robust and vibrant community,” the Bonners Ferry mayor’s office said in a press release. “We want to thank our community for the patience and vigilance as we work toward this goal together.”

Businesses not included in the first phase of Idaho Gov. Brad Little’s Rebound Idaho plan have been at the center of calls and questions, with some wondering if the business are in compliance or not of the four-phase plan to reopen the state. In Little’s Rebound Idaho, restaurants and beauty salons can open with an approved safety protocols in place in the second phase, which is set to go into effect on May 16. Bars and nightclubs aren’t scheduled to reopen until the plan’s fourth stage, set to go into effect on June 13.

In light of the concerns, Bonners Ferry officials said the city has sought guidance from various regulatory agencies regarding concerns, including Panhandle Health District, Idaho State Alcohol Beverage Control Division of the Idaho State Police, and Idaho State Division of Occupational & Professional Licenses.

Each agency reports that investigations could lead to potential loss of the business’s license and/or a citation, even after the respective staged opening has come and gone, officials said.

“The city strongly encourages continued compliance with the Rebound plan,” they said in the press release. “The staged reopening is intended to allow for safe reopening of the economy and the equal opportunity of businesses of the same type to open at the same time, thereby not creating an advantage or disadvantage to any one business over another.”

The officials thanked the businesses who continue to follow the governor’s order and asked all businesses for their continued compliance as the city, council and state move toward a full and open economy.

Modifications to Boundary County’s services and operations will remain in place through May 18, according to county officials.

“Many county services require physically close and/or face-to-face interaction between customers and county staff in an indoor setting, making it impractical to adhere to established protocols for social distancing,” Andrew O’Neel, Boundary County’s director of Emergency Management, said.

While all county offices and services are still open and functioning, physical access by customers remains suspended until the second stage of Gov. Brad Little’s “Idaho Rebounds” plan. Most public needs can still be accomplished either by mail, phone call or email.

• Landfill: The county’s main landfill, which is accepting all types of waste that it normally accepts, is open seven days per week from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. until further notice. All trash dropped at any landfill facility should be placed into trash bags (no loose trash) to minimize exposure of landfill workers to household germs.

Satellite landfill collection sites are open, but with a modified schedule, O’Neel said. The three collection stations in Naples, Paradise Valley, and the junction of highways 95 and 1 junction are only open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Landfill officials ask that residents refrain from dumping wood, lawn/yard debris, furniture or metal waste at the satellite collection facilities so that the collection bins to be used for household trash. These restrictions and reduced hours only apply to the satellite collection sites, O’Neel said.

• Boundary County Sheriff’s Office: BCSO officials encourage residents to renew driving credentials online as much as possible. Information on current driver’s license extensions and services can be found at

For questions and assistance on other things such as concealed weapon permits or fingerprinting, BCSO is now scheduling appointments via a web portal — — with sheriff’s officials continuing to schedule all appointments until social distancing restrictions are lifted. No drop-in appointments are being made at this time.

If you do not have access to the internet, call 208-267-3151, ext. 204, to make an appointment.

• Road and Bridge: The Boundary Road & Bridge office is closed to the public. Customers needing permits, can call 208-267-3838 or email Renee Nelson at to request permits on a case-by-case basis for laden vehicles on the remaining closed county roads. The Road & Bridge link on the county website at has an updated list of road status.

• Boundary County Assessor’s Office: The office is staffed Monday-Friday. Residents with assessment inquiries should call 208-267-3301 Tuesday through Thursday for assistance.

• Motor Vehicle Licensing (DMV) office: The office is staffed Monday-Friday. Vehicle registration deadlines have been extended to June 30, 2020, but can be done by phone, mail or online through the ITD website if needed. For information, call 208-267-7613.

“Boundary County officials are continually re-assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Idaho, within our county and surrounding areas and plan to fully re-open county services once the situation warrants,” O’Neel said. “Thank you for your continued understanding.”

For more information or to contact a specific county office:

• Treasurer Office: 208-267-3291,

• Assessor Office and Auto license: 208-267-3301,

• Clerk’s Office: 208-267-2242

• Sheriff: 208-267-3151

• Court: 208-267-5504

• Jury Commissioner: 208-267-0924

• Prosecutor: 208-267-7545

• Extension services: 208-267-3235

• Road and Bridge services: 208-267-3838,

• Probation: 208-267-7983

• Parks and Recreation: 208-267-5130

• Planning and Zoning; 208-267-7212,

• Commissioners: 208-267-7723,

• Veterans services: 208-267-8611, or 208-255-8882

• Noxious Weeds: 208-267-5341