Sunday, March 09, 2025

Suppiger is the best choice for District 1 seat

| May 14, 2020 1:00 AM

I support Gary Suppiger for the position of District 1 representative. I have know Gary and his family for many years, as his children attended Sagle Elementary School while I was the principal there. I cannot think of a finer or more qualified person than Gary Suppiger for this position.

Gary’s deep commitment to community is reflected by his selfless desire to improve educational opportunities for Bonner County students. Many years ago, Gary offered to start an advanced math program for Sagle students. Gary did not pass this off on someone else. He personally set up the program and the curriculum, and, most importantly, was the teacher. The countless hours he volunteered made this a hugely successful extracurricular program. Even after his children had moved on to the junior high school and the high school, Gary continued to volunteer and teach at Sagle.

Currently, Gary is a board member for the LPOSD. Here, again, Gary voluntarily gives his time for the community and especially for our students. This is who Gary is. He is committed to improving the education of our children. He feels strongly that Idaho needs to do more in the area of school funding. He is thoughtful and considerate of other people’s points of view. He works extremely well with people and will not waiver in his dedication to making this a better world for all of us.

