Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Boundary County nearly reaches 90% turnout in historic election

Staff Writer | November 3, 2020 10:05 PM

BONNERS FERRY — It was a day of record turnout in Boundary County, as all over the county’s six precincts, lines were forming out the doors of the polling places.

Boundary County reached 87% turnout, with 6,426 of 7,420 registered voters casting their ballots in the 2020 general election.

Poll workers in all four polling places (Mt. Hall Elementary School, Moyie Springs City Hall, South Boundary Fire Station and Exhibit Hall at the Bonners Ferry Fairgrounds) described the Election Day turnout as noticeably larger and more enthusiastic than in past election years.

Early in-person and absentee voting was also sky high, with nearly 3,600 voters casting their ballots before Election Day. Over half (56%) of Boundary County’s votes were cast through early or absentee voting. The total Election Day voting breakdown by precinct is as follows:

Moyie Springs: 683

Naples: 548

N. Bonners Ferry: 508

BF/Kootenai: 412

Valley View: 345

Copeland: 337

Election Day voting accounted for 44% of Boundary County’s total votes cast, and the percentage of Election Day votes cast varied by precinct.

Moyie Springs: 24%

Naples: 19%

N. Bonners Ferry: 18%

BF/Kootenai: 15%

Valley View: 12%

Copeland: 12%

Despite lines that were lasting as long as 45 minutes in some locations, Boundary County residents smashed preview turnout records. With voters lining up as early as 7 a.m. in Naples and 7:30 a.m. at the Bonners Ferry Fairgrounds, Boundary County residents ensured their voices were heard.