Monday, March 10, 2025

This Week In History - Nov. 19, 2020

| November 19, 2020 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse VanGundy, newlyweds of Sandpoint, returned home Saturday after having spent part of their honeymoon visiting at the home of Mr. VanGundy’s sister, Mrs. T. Helmer.

While skating last night on ice in the mill pond of the B.F. Lumber Co., Edwin Westerlund and Tinsey Eskridge broke through thin ice; Westerlund was drowned. Miss Eskridge was rescued by three men who heard the cries for help.

Prices have dropped in the fur market and dealers everywhere are cautioning trappers to entirely skip this season.

The Fitzpatrick Bros. completed the loading and shipping of eight carloads of potatoes raised on their ranch east of town. The buyer stated that the potatoes beat anything ever grown in the Yakima district.

50 Years Ago

The River Construction Company has finished the last 11 miles of gas line in the county. Employees prepared to transport a large pipe across the Kootenai River.

Elmer Linnemeyer and Ole Lethrud each bagged an elk just one hour before the season closed. Their elk bring the confirmed number taken during the short season to six.

The Kiwanis sponsored Talent Show was held at the new high school with a good crowd attending. Ann Knapple placed first among the 15 competing acts with her vocal solo, “Saturday Morning.”

15 Years Ago

Women, teens, and men packed the American Legion Hall Saturday evening for a Festival of Fashion- the annual fashion show with proceeds going to benefit the Boundary Youth Crisis and Domestic Violence Hotline.

The Festival of Trees will once again open its doors to a wonderful evening the whole family can enjoy.

Volunteers packed 91 boxes for the Ministerial Association’s annual Thanksgiving basket program for those in need, an increase from last year’s 65 baskets.

~Submitted by the Boundary County Museum