Monday, February 24, 2025

Local matters on Idaho's health boards

| November 26, 2020 1:00 AM

In my opinion, there appears to be a general misconception that those that sit on Idaho health boards are members of the medical community. They are not. It is a position — appointed by your county commissioners.

From PHD website; “Panhandle Health District is locally controlled and governed by members of our community that advocate what’s best in our community. County commissioners from Boundary, Bonner, Kootenai, Benewah and Shoshone counties appoint a Board of Health that governs the Health District’s policies based on the community’s unique needs.”

Boundary County, population 12,000 — Walt Kirby

Bonner County (at-large), population 46,000 — Allen Banks

Bonner County (see above) — Glen Bailey

Benewah County, population, 10,000 — Marlow Thompson

Kootenai County Population, 165,000 — Jai Nelson, R.N.

Kootenai County (see above), Richard McLandress, M.D.

Shoshone County, population 13,000 — Mike Fitzgerald

I’m pretty sure it is not a paid position. Volunteer, submit a letter to our commissioners. Be a part of the solution. Local matters.


Moyie Springs