Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Gini Woodward receives prestigious AARP award

Staff Writer | October 1, 2020 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Local Bonners Ferry resident Gini Woodward has been selected by AARP Idaho as the recipient of the 2020 Andrus Award for Community Service.

The Andrus Award is handed out in states all over the nation and is the AARP’s most prestigious and visible state volunteer award for community service. The AARP describes the award as “A symbol of the power of individuals to make a difference in the lives of others and at the heart of everything AARP does.”

Woodward was nominated for the award by fellow Bonners Ferry resident Karen Samter. In her nomination submission to the AARP, Samter included a brief blurb on Woodward.

“Gini is a person who leads by example,” Samter wrote. “She is excited about her volunteer work, and through her excitement encourages others to participate. Through her encouragement the organizations Gini works with are able to provide a structure through which others can volunteer.”

According to the AARP, Woodward volunteers 20-30 hours per week at the Community Coalition for Families, where she dons a number of hats. Woodward serves as treasurer, grant writer, executive board member and arranges speakers and activities for the group’s monthly meetings.

Woodward’s work with the CCF has helped provide funding for transportation subsidies and emergency housing to over 200 families in the northern Idaho region during the last two years.

In addition to her work with the CCF, Woodward also volunteers with Boundary County Backpacks, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, Area Agency on Aging, Boundary County Fair, Valley View Elementary School and Boundary County Community Guardians.

“My personal philosophy is that we are all part of one world,” Woodward said in a statement with the AARP. “And that by giving of myself and my skills, as long as I am able, I am helping to make the world a better place.”

The award will be officially presented to Woodward on Wednesday, Sept. 30 as part of a virtual ceremony. In addition to the award, AARP Idaho will also make a $2,000 donation to a non-profit organization of Woodward’s choice.