Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Dukes Claybusters have good day of shooting

by LONNY JELENIK Contributing Writer
| October 8, 2020 1:00 AM

"Dukes Claybusters,' the high school trap club had a good practice today. All shooters in the scores of 20s.

After practice all members jumped in and helped load the traps with targets and clean and prepare for the tomorrow, Oct 4, 2020, for our annual Fall Trap Shoot. Thank You all for your dedicated help.

The Trap Clubs schedules all around the area were a mess this year because of the Covid, as I'm sure that is why our turn out was good but down from our June spring shoot, Duke's Memorial Shoot. Noxon Mt. and New Port had a meat shoot on the same day. We are hoping all schedules will be back to normal next year.

The drawing for the Raffle winner of the New Weatherby 257mag. rifle was done at the Gun Club today Oct. 4th. at noon, it was won by Cindy Keibert of Hope, Id., Congratulations. Thank you all for your support of the High School Trap Club. The money from the raffle will be used for targets, shells and safety gear for the team. The Fall Shoot, Sunday 50 Birds Handicap was won by Jonie Hathaway and our own Seth Rice with a 46X50 score for each. Jonie is from Hauser Lake Gun Club. The Bonners Ferry Gun Club had lots of 5 across (one shot from each post), and several Annie Oakleys, with the winner of each taking home a meat prize. The meat was purchased at the Super #1 meat department. What a beautiful weekend weather wise. Next weekend Elk season opens, to all you hunters good luck and shoot safe and straight. By the way each Claybuster took home a prize or two. The Digger Powell all youth Annie Oakley was won by Seth Rice, Wyatt McDonald and a brother and sister from Colville, WA. school trap team. Great shooting to all you School Trap Team Members.

Shoot safe and keep your powder dry.