Monday, February 24, 2025

Idaho's first swan season opens Oct. 19

| October 15, 2020 1:00 AM


Wildlife Regional Biologist

Oct. 19 not only marks the date of the waterfowl opener in the Panhandle Region, but also the opener of Idaho's first swan season.

In August, 50 tags were issued first-come, first-serve for this hunt; it will be evaluated as an experimental hunt for at least three years. After that period, the hunt could become operational upon approval from the Pacific Flyway Council and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Limited hunting will occur in Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, and Kootenai counties ONLY. The swan season runs until Dec. 1, with a daily bag limit of 1 swan and a possession limit of 1.

Hunters with a swan permit are encouraged to take Fish and Game's Swan Orientation Course to familiarize themselves with swan species identification and hunting requirements. Swan hunters must follow the rules listed below.

• Swan Tag — REQUIRED

• Migratory Bird (HIP) Permit — REQUIRED

• Federal Migratory Bird (Duck) Stamp — REQUIRED

• Shotgun capable of carrying no more than 3 shells — REQUIRED

• Nontoxic Shot — REQUIRED

• Shot Size: No person shall take swans while in possession of shot larger than two tenths (0.2 inches) in diameter (size T)

If successful, hunters must, within three days of the date of kill, present the swan carcass for a mandatory check and report.