Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Dan Rose

| October 22, 2020 1:00 AM
  1. At a time of unprecedented governmental malfeasance, which requires the courageous defense of constitutional rights to which constituents are entitled by the sworn Oath of Office of our elected representatives, Rep. Dixon failed us. He conspired on 6/11/20 with House leadership to be absent from a “session” on 6/23/20, to represent us pursuant to the Idaho Constitution and supporting Idaho codes. This action sought to relieve him of decision-making responsibility leading into an election, freeing him to simply point the finger at the governor, while citizens and businesses continued to suffer. Simultaneously, $25,000 of influence peddling contributions were accepted by Dixon, making him complicit in unconstitutional regulation without representation and separation of powers conflicts.
  2. My vocational career is dedicated to serving citizens of the country, state and community.  I am an Iraq War veteran, retired from the Massachusetts State Police, where I served simultaneously performed in patrol and underwater search and recovery, I owned a 25 client snow-plowing and a gun-hanger business. I coached 12 seasons of youth sports. These experiences provide me an understanding of social dynamics and formed a foundation of courageous decision-making ability, not matched by my LD 1B competitors. In listening to, and, acting on behalf of district citizen interests and not Boise establishment, I will be most effective.

3. 1. Terminating the state of emergency of a false epidemic. The numbers have never qualified an epidemic condition in 37 of 44 counties. First, vote to remove Speaker Bedke, who led the legislature’s failure into complicity. Second a vote to terminate the statewide emergency, with impeachment being a last consideration.

  1. Increased ideological division: Peaceful cohabitation is proven to exist in Legislative District 1. Provided that disruptive outside influences are not tolerated and swiftly addressed, and that communications are conducted respectfully, and individual engagement in the multi-level political process is heightened, we will continue to thrive as a District with unique and desired characteristics.
  2. State and county taxing policy, growth vs. human & environmental health relationships and Education: see other questions.
  3. Yes – to a constitutional amendment that adds after current wording “the right to keep and bear arms,” “and Ammunition, individual component parts and accessory items.”

Yes -  to all laws that prohibit the suspension of the right to keep and bear arms “and ammunition”, which “shall not be infringed / abridged.” 

5. I wholeheartedly support the right to carry open and concealed weapons at the Festival as long as it is held on tax-funded public property. Idaho state law not only permits the activity, it supports the protections afforded to all of us in the federal and state constitutions. Responsible people who possess a firearm create a deterrent to crime and a safer community. Current and past U.S. statistics of rampant gun violence indisputably point to cities with the strictest gun control laws. 

6. The Constitution applies to, and benefits all parties equally. Without adherence to constitutional principles and reinforcing codes, tranquility yields to chaos. The citizen is left with little recourse, but civil disobedience as described in the Declaration of Independence, which is read by Rep. Dixon each 4th of July. However, Dixon fails to acknowledge his participation in the perpetuation of government created chaos, as he has defended the Governor and asked church attendees to obey and submit. Masking requirements have destroyed due process rights in the courthouse; contact-tracing is a horrendous intimidation and invasion of civil liberties. Praise God for more Sheriff Wheeler type representatives.

  1. Constitutional and human and environment health issues are party-blind.  I’ve been publicly defending both of these issues as the incumbent has incrementally been losing favor with constituents across the ideological spectrum on these issues.  He, having the power and authority, fails to recognize – or chooses to ignore – the immediacy of action required to mitigate constitutional COVID-19 transgressions and thereby has given tacit support to continuing them.  He claims unsought campaign contributions do not influence his decisions, I disagree. Rep Dixon does not get a two year free pass when issues of this magnitude become observant beyond the March 13, 2020 deadline to enter a primary race.
  2. Two environmental issues that have piqued my interest are the Newport silicon smelter and the SpaceX project on Colburn Culver Road. I’ve already publicly opposed both, believing they present harm to the human and wildlife population of the District.  Health should never be secondary to economic gain, as it is these implementations.   These issues have largely been unmentioned and avoided by the incumbent, again pointing to a failure of determining constituent interests.
  3. The separation of funding for local law enforcement and social and community-based programs is mostly a local responsibility and management activity.  I believe the funding should remain separate and each ought to be funded as is deemed needed by the departments tasked with addressing these issues.  I do not subscribe to restorative justice principles as applied; victim, property and repeat offender crimes.
  4. Social Security was originally designed as a safety net and was never meant to be a retirement plan or looted. I’ve paid into both and under a state retirement plan and will receive a much smaller amount of Social Security benefit. Therefore, I would advocate at the state level that a PERSI pension have attached to it a reduced Social Security benefit to new employees. I will also move to eliminate non-public employees from the PERSI retirement system.
  5. My spending index scorecard rating will never be lower than 90% and never like Dixon’s 56% rating, as determined by idahofreedom.org.   I do not support higher fees or taxes on residents. Fee and tax increases are adversarial to everyone in a “cash-poor” living condition. I support reducing the annual 3% taxing district increase to 2%, revision to the distribution of state sales and liquor revenues to offset property taxes ($240M), automatic waiver of forgone taxes after one year and exempt new owners, a possible California-style Prop13 tax cap constitutional amendment, and a prompt downward trend assessment correction in periods of declining property market values exceeding 1%.
  6. Would you publically declare changes to your stated campaign principles and platforms and how you acted upon those changes during your term of representation of constituents?

YES, transparency and integrity of representation is of pinnacle importance and leads to the greatest distrust of constituent representation. I propose that any letter to the editor related to campaign position changes also be sent to the elected official for a counter response, if not self-initiated in the agency’s official record at the time of the action which reflects such change.

    1. The federal government: NO, There is a $25 trillion deficit and unprecedented division and corruption.
  1. The state government:  MIXED, the COVID19 condition has created numerous constitutional violations.  Prior to COVID19, Idaho has not been not a “tax friendly” state. Gun laws are great.
  2. The county government: Commissioners all three MIXED; Sheriff YES; Clerk YES; Assessor NO; Prosecutor NO.
  3. Sandpoint city government: Hope for reasonableness has begun to appear with the newly elected, more turn-over of officials with extreme principles is required!
  4. Local Taxing Districts: NO, specifically to: pendoreillehospitaldistrict.org.  Evidence is contained in their monthly meeting minutes.

14. Education funding needs to be revisited with courage and haste, given the Espinoza v. Montana SCOTUS decision earlier this year and the recent Strong Families, Strong Student $50M grant which has set the precedent. I firmly believe, as do many others outside of the “education network” that a lack of education competition is negatively affecting students and wasting dollars. I will support a K-12 school voucher and tax deduction policy of education expenses that follows the student.    

  1. Healthy people are not required by Constitution or law to isolate or be restricted and inconvenienced in furtherance of a socialistic agenda.  If one chooses to self-quarantine or voluntarily protect themself and/or others, that is an individual prerogative of personal responsibility. The condition of epidemic and/or pandemic must be evaluated to affirmatively exist and treatment of the infected would have to be unobtainable. Currently, neither condition exists.  Further, a decade of mask studies cite ineffectiveness and potential hazard. Masks provide a false fear that lends acceptability to a vaccine agenda.