Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Sage Dixon

| October 22, 2020 1:00 AM
  1. I am running because others have asked me to serve, and I feel I still accurately represent the interests of the District.
  2. I have a deep understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of the founding of our Republic, as well as six years of experience navigating the Idaho Legislature
    1. Emergency declarations and the lack of representation when decisions are made regarding the entire state. The Legislature will undoubtedly be presenting legislation to limit the duration of the Executive Branch’s authority during an emergency declaration, and to ensure that the legislature will be involved in the process of deciding how to proceed in a statewide emergency.
  3. Increases in property taxes. There are many proposals, as well as a legislative working group, addressing this issue. Some solutions involve a Constitutional Amendment, another proposes to increase the sales tax, others move the percentages around. Property taxes will be a large topic of discussion in 2021.
  4. Managing our natural resources.

Continuing to encourage proper forest management, and programs like the Good Neighbor Authority which help to mitigate wildfires, increasing access to public lands, and protecting our lakes and rivers.

  1. In your opinion, do you think gun control laws should be changed? If yes, why and how. If not, why not? There are some changes that can be made to current self-defense laws, as well as changes to clarify the law regarding the possession of a weapon on public property.
  2. Specifically, where do you stand on the gun lawsuit issue regarding The Festival at Sandpoint? I think it is a legitimate case that could have far reaching ramifications once decided. Privately hosted large gatherings are where the public tends to be most vulnerable to personal harm. To be denied the ability to protect oneself, and others, due to the property being owned by a municipality is a problem that should be rectified.
  3. What issue is not being given enough exposure in your race? What is it and why is it important? (Please be specific.) I believe all issues in this race are being given the proper exposure.
  4. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be? (Please be specific.) That lawmaking through elected representation and the deliberative process of a legislature is the only sure protection for the voice of a minority population to be heard.
  5. What is the most critical environmental issue facing the region? What is it and what do you propose to address the issue? The most critical environmental issue for our region will continue to be forest health, and specifically on lands managed by the federal government. Improvements are being made in the state’s relationship with the Forest Service which will result in better forest health and a lower risk of wildfire. Protecting the resource that is Lake Pend Oreille is also important and the upcoming adjudication process provides to opportunity for both property owners and municipalities to protect their interests regarding the Lake.
  6. Should any funding for local law enforcement be redirected to social and community-based programs? If so, why and what programs? If not, why not? I do not agree with the “defund the police” movement and am grateful for those who chose to serve our communities in a dangerous and often thankless position.
  7. What will you do about preserving Social Security, even if the office for which you are running is not directly involved in deciding the issue? Encouraging people to plan and save for retirement could possibly be effective in deferring the use of Social Security which would conceivably preserve the fund, but a State Representative cannot do much more. We can also encourage our Federal Delegation to ensure that SS funds are being used in the most efficient and appropriate manner.
  8. What tax measures do you support (if any) that may result in higher taxes? Why or why not? (Please be specific.) I cannot think of any tax measure that I support that would result in increased taxes. The only issue that might be taken as a tax increase is a proposal to remove property taxes and increase sales tax to make up for the revenue loss. I am not convinced this is a good idea, but I think it is worth investigating.
  9. What question should every candidate be asked? What is your answer? What is the role of the States in our Constitutional Republic? The States are responsible for legislating everything that is not specifically enumerated to the Federal Government in the Constitution.
  10. Do you think the existing government is going in the right direction? Why or why not? (Please be specific.) There have been specific challenges being worked on for the past few years, but State Government was generally going in the right direction before COVID, which was a complication no one could have foreseen. COVID has exposed some glaring deficiencies in current law and practice that should be remedied on the 2021 Session.
  11. Should the government spend more money on education? Why or why not? (Please be specific.) Education still accounts for roughly 60% of the state’s annual budget, and has been increasing annually for the past seven years. This, coupled with the fact that spending more money does not explicitly result in better outcomes, leads me to answer “no”.
  12. Should governments be allowed to pass requirements such as mask mandates in the event of a pandemic? Why or why not? I think everyone would be better served if the government stuck to safety recommendations and the delivering of information to the public regarding health crises, as opposed to instituting mandates. The response to COVID has been erratic, capricious, and often oppressive, especially at the local level. If there were a pandemic that necessitated a strong response, it should be elected officials who make the decision, so that they are responsible to the people that elected them.