Friday, March 14, 2025

Second Chance Harvest returns this weekend

Staff Writer | September 10, 2020 1:00 AM

Bonners Ferry — Second Harvest Inland Empire food distribution food truck will be in Bonners Ferry on Friday, Sept. 11, at the Boundary County fairgrounds.

The food distribution will be from 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.

Second Harvest plans to conduct another drive-through event allowing cars to enter on the east side of the Boundary County fairgrounds and drive towards the mill site on the west side of the fairgrounds where the food trunk will be.

Producers, distributors, and retailers provide food to anyone who has suffered from food insecurity or has immediate food needs.

There are no requirements to qualify for free food and no identification or proof of residency is needed.

The last food trunk distribution brought over 25,000 pounds of food to over 300 families in Boundary County.

This upcoming food distribution has received donations from individuals, church groups, Thrivent financial, Bonners Ferry Veterinary Clinic, and Second Harvest Inland Empire grants.

The Second Harvest food bank recently received state grants to provide more resources needed during COVID-19.