Friday, March 14, 2025

City needs to stop pushing leftist 'vision'

| September 17, 2020 1:00 AM

The city of Bonners Ferry has been lobbied for years by the local human rights force and now the city promotes liberal ideology.

The city’s stated acceptance of all persons regardless of many things including religion, sexual preference and gender identity is a charade and not true. Craig Kelson, the city’s official human rights advocate, personally promoted and approved the city’s new vision. In June, Kelson singled out a local pastor who had disapproved of the city’s new vision. Kelson publicly declared that if he “can’t accept this beautiful concept, maybe Bonners Ferry is not a good fit for you as your views of how to respect its citizens do not align.” Kelson’s statement is not only inaccurate but is a not welcome sign to those who do not accept their leftist agenda. The city’s official human rights advocate disrespects the rights and the sincerely held religious beliefs of those who know their “concept” to be vile. The city’s official advocate then goes on to publicly attack Idaho state Rep. Heather Scott when she recommended people take their children out of the government schools, encouraging parents to raise their children in the fear of God. Kelson went on in his letter stating, “Please remember this November, she (Scott) will not work to support much needed state funding for our school district in Boundary County.”

Kelson can have any opinion he wants even telling others to go somewhere else, but as the city’s human rights task force advocate promoting the acceptance of almost everything, he demonstrates that the rights of those who promote their lies are the only ones protected.

Of the public input recommending returning to the city’s old vision, no one suggested an official public vision with a list of persons not welcome nor a list of persons whom Bonners Ferry “would not be a good fit for.” The cty’s new vision disregards and disrespects the rights of the majority of the people in Boundary County.

Contact the mayor and city council encouraging them to stop pushing their human rights advocate’s LBGTQ “beautiful concept” agenda and remove the city’s official human rights advocate and delete the second sentence to Bonners Ferry’s vision statement.


Bonners Ferry