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Bonners Ferry is considering changes to off-street parking ordinance on Sept. 24

| September 24, 2020 1:00 AM

The city of Bonners Ferry is considering some changes to its off-street parking ordinance and an update to the planned unit development (PUD) codes.

The Bonners Ferry Planning and Zoning Commission will hear the proposed ordinance amendments regarding off-street parking and the PUDs at 5:15 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24, at Bonners Ferry City Hall.

The Commission will make recommendations to the City Council on the two amendments. The city welcomes feedback and written comments for the upcoming public hearings. Here is a summary of the proposals:

Off-street parking: Proposed revisions to city off-street parking codes include adjustments to the parking standards that would generally reduce the number of required parking spots for commercial uses and update the processes for shared parking arrangements and consideration of unique land uses.

The amendment would eliminate the off-street parking requirements for the Downtown zoning district and cut in half the residential off-street parking requirements in the Downtown district.

These changes could help reduce the loss of valuable commercial land to parking lots and to encourage the development and re-development of downtown. In addition, the amendment would:

• Subtract “non-public” areas such as hallways or bathrooms, from parking requirement calculations;

• Allow administrative action on code interpretations, shared parking agreements, and unique parking requirements;

• Adjust the off-street parking table, reducing some of the required parking stalls for various uses.

Planned Unit Developments (PUDs): The city is proposing to overhaul its current PUD ordinance to revise the application process and to create options for mixed uses and flexible designs.

PUDs would be processed as special use permits under the proposed amendment, as authorized by state code.

The draft ordinance would broaden the PUD opportunities to allow them in all zones through special permit approval, as long as the site has a minimum of 2 acres.

Options within the PUDs would include mixed housing types, residential uses in the Industrial District, and limited, low-intensity commercial uses in the residential districts.

PUDs could vary from setbacks and other zoning standards. In exchange, the city would require certain amenities, such as sidewalks, path connections, playground equipment, common/open space or other public or private facilities.