Monday, March 10, 2025

Dukes Claybusters practice for upcoming shoot

| September 24, 2020 1:00 AM

Sat. Sept. 19th: "Dukes Claybusters" School Team Practice, We had eight shooters today with good weather. The smoke is almost gone, A little chill in the air. Today was a good practice for the Hauser Lake Gun Club shoot tomorrow on Sunday Sept 20th. Hauser Lake Gun Club is having a meat and a 50 Bird Handicap shoot.

Sun. Sept 20th. Ron Campbell took daughter Melanie, Malia Steffens and her brother 12yr old Zee, who was one the winners of the 1st Annie Oakley's held (27 yds.' back). Great shooting Zee. Wade and Seth Rice rode down with the Coach.

Wow! The Hauser Lake members really threw a great shoot, with lots of 5 across - Annie Oakleys and a 50 Bird Handicap Event, with 11 squads in the 50 Bird. The Claybusters team really made a great showing individually, as the first play of the day was Melanie Campbell being one of the winners(out of 45 shooters) in the Super Annie, way to go Melanie. The other plays of the day was Seth Rice and Wade Rice. Wade broke 47X50 birds and Seth came in with 50X50, which won it all. (50 birds Straight), from 21 yards back without a miss. The last time this was done was 5 years ago at this shoot at Hauser Lake. Seth won the Handicap. Great shooting by all the Claybusters. Thanks to the B.F. Gun Club Members Ron Campbell, Ken Brink and all for helping with the coaching and thanks to the parents for your support. I was approached by a few of my fellow trap shooters as we where loading up our winning to head home and asked not to bring the team back till the Hauser Lake bunch heal up. lol . These trap shooters have been old friends and were just kidding. They told us to bring more of the team next time. They too realize we have to keep the young shooters interested. Academics, Integrity and Marksmanship. Safety first.

Sunday 20th, B.F. Gun Club: There were nine shooters today with Bill Bustillos being on fire finally, by braking 25X25 in the practice and then winning all four Annie Oakley's. Great shooting Bill. I also heard that Torsten Conover, a Clayburster, won an Annie. Great shooting all of you winners.

I apologize for the Vice Versa LLC. trucking company's name left out of the article last week. Thank you for the generous donation to the Bonners Ferry High School trap shooting club , "Dukes Claybusters".

The Bonners Ferry Trap Club will be holding a Meat and 50 Bird Trap Shoot on October 4, 2020.

At that time we well be drawing for the 257 Weatherby Mag. Rifle. If you haven't bought a ticket yet stop by the Trap Club or get one from a Claybuster.

Shoot safe, cheek on the stock and eye on the rock (target).

Coach Lonny