Thursday, March 06, 2025

Honor our flag, pray for our country

| September 24, 2020 1:00 AM

A response to Ruth Perry's letter:

This is about the "Trump Country" sign. The sign says, "Welcome to Trump Country. Love God, Guns, Family, Freedom and Your Neighbor." The Trump sign represents freedom for all colors, for unborn babies and our Second Amendment. Family and love for our neighbors and this country.

I voted for Trump because he said he would be an advocate for Christians (Obama was not), and not just for Christians, but for everyone, rich and poor alike. As a Christian I strive for forgiveness, loving everyone the same, hope, mercy, peace and loving God most of all. This was what Jesus did when he was on Earth: "For God so loved the world."

I wrote the following as a Letter to the Editor in eastern Oregon, where we lived just after 9-11. Abe Lincoln wrote, "This nation under God shall not perish from the Earth!" Lincoln wrote this with a heavy heart on a scrap of paper when he was on his way to Gettysburg. "I believe that a house divided against itself cannot stand." A nation will crumble to the ground if it turns on itself. If we let hate rule in our hearts, then the enemy has won. The end.

The Confederate battle flag was copied off the flag of Scotland and was taken from the cross of St. Andrew. There is nothing about hate on this flag.

And as for the Nazi brownshirts, they were more like AntiFa than Trump. National socialism, far left totalitarians. The brownshirts did Hitler's dirty work and burned, killed and destroyed lives. Hitler would not have liked this sign. It's all about freedom.

When the smoke from the canons had cleared, our flag was still there. When the smoke clears from this war, let our flag still be there. Let us unite and humble ourselves and pray for this country.


Bonners Ferry