Friday, February 28, 2025

Let's keep community safe and beautiful

| April 15, 2021 1:00 AM

I am writing today because I love Bonners Ferry and its community.

I have lived and traveled all over this country, and of all the places I have been this is the most beautiful place. I’m incredibly proud to be here and grateful that all of you have accepted me into your community. So I feel an obligation to help maintain this beautiful landscape that I now call home.

Because of this since I moved here eight years ago I go out and pick up litter on the side of the road, specifically near the Naples School area and the entire length of Deep Creek Loop.

I have seen firsthand the reality that there is a significant litter issue, the vast majority of it being beer cans right on the side of the road. And not only does this dirty our beautiful, pure land, but it also is a danger for the area.

People are drinking and driving near schools and throwing the empty beer cans outside their window. This endangers our children and also shows a terrible example for them. I know that this community cares about its environment and its children. This year I picked up approximately 600 gallons of trash, that is an obscene amount.

These people littering and more importantly drinking and driving must be stopped. Our law enforcement needs our help, we need to speak up as a community and put a stop to this irresponsible and inconsiderate behavior. If you see this behavior speak up, if you see litter please help and pick it up. Let’s keep Bonners Ferry safe and beautiful.


Bonners Ferry